Alright...well im kinda new to this but umm i wanted to be random and start a discussion =) So this is a game ok......A question will be asked, and then u have to reply to it, then ask a question of ur own...and then the next replyer answers ur question etc. etc. And if u want to repeat the question u were asked to get a diffrent view of sum1 else just repeat the question or say (repeat) ok =) I guess I will ask the first question....Who is your favorite RJA member?

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acustic.......its such a more romantic scene
..owkie..i answer that even idk the answer... own personal answer is sundae....i guess??

..ahhhhh...if you gonna all stay in one room and in one bed in one week who would rather your beside??
umm... my sister Suzanne's.
she has the memory foam or whatever, its so soft!

Who would you rather go see Guns n Roses with, Ronnie, Duke, Elias, Joey or Jon?
Joey fo sure =)

would u go see Good Charlotte or 50 cent with ronnie, duke, elias, joey, or Jon??? haha
50 cent with Joey =]

which song inspires u most?
Ass Shaker aka In Fates restores my faith in dreaming every time I hear him sing it.

Which band member would look better bald? (by better-I mean better than the rest. Cause very few people look better bald. lol)
...i think is duke(sorry)


if they were disbanded what is your reaction??
I would be depressed...for months..seriously...they are a very inspirational band in my life....and i would miss them dearly

If they were disbanded who would you think would create or join a new band?
..i think ronnie will create a new band because in his high school years he is playing music since now...

...i think elias will join a band because he wants to be a musician...:-)

...before you sleep whose rja member you want to sing you a lullaby

ronnie of course.....=)

repeat question....^
Duke... maybe it would help ease his MONSTROUS snoring from invading the bunk hallway!

Sneakers or sandals?
i got to have my sneakers....Vans, Etnies, and airwalks =) im a sk8ter.....but i can be times......

(and lmfao about wut u said staci thats so cute) imao










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