May 3rd and 4th,Medowlands Sports Complex, East Rutherford, NJ. i'm going. are you?

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did you get your plane tickets straightened out?
Yes, we are driving up after Megan's last final (at 10pm on the 1st). She is taking the final from the 2nd early. Only sucky part is that we might have to move all of her stuff out of her dorm and then back into the new dorm for summer after we return from Bamboozle. She is suppose to move from one dorm to the other after 4pm on the 2nd. That just doesn't work for us. But we'll do whatever it takes. We have a flight home from Philly on the 10th. Now if we can just get our refund from skybus...argh! (Not that it was really that much, but it's mine. lol)
have your tickets come in the mail yet?
No, have yours? It said if you don't get them by the 20th to call. I'm trying to be patient.
I have gotten my Disney stuff, though! I've gotten a huge manila envelope one day, a fed ex envelope another, and tonight I received a ups box. hahaha Each time I am like...Bamboozle tix? Nope.
im a gonna hustle to get some greenery to go. im workin on it!!!!
Better hurry. Bamboozle has sold out every year for the last two years I've gone. In 2006 it had already said it was sold out on one site but I managed to snag a ticket for the day I needed from another. Then there were no more. Phewww,I was very lucky.
Good luck...hope to see you there :)
I am soooo going. bought my tix and received them like a month later.
What date did you purchase your tickets? I know it's had to have been over a month for me.
YAYYYYYY!!!!! My tickets finnaly came in the mail today. *does the happy dance*
mine came in the mail today too.i screamed when i figured out thats what the envelope had in it and my mom was like, "what?" then i was like, "ITS MY BAMBOOZLE TICKETS!!!"

with the disney stuff are you guys just going to grad night or to the parks too?
We are doing 2 days of park hopper and 3 visits to either of the water parks or DisneyQuest. We have from now til May 3rd to use them. I'm not sure if we'll have time this weekend but we will be there 18th and 19th (Grad nite for us) and part of the day on the 20th before we head to Tampa for the AP Tour. We spend nite in Orlando and drive Megan to class on the 21st then head to Jax for the U&U tour. Drive to Gainesville on the 22nd for class and the Gainesville U&U tour, Then to class and Tampa for the U&U tour. We have another couple days in Orlando to finish up our fun but we have to return to Gainesville briefly on the 25th for the exam that she is suppose to take on the 2nd. We'll be in Orlando til the 26th, I think. Yeah, I'm running away from home for the whole week. But Friday is Megan's B-Day!!!
well if you tell me when you are going to the parks, i might be able to come and meet you guys. i get in for free at the parks and half price at disneyquest









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