May 3rd and 4th,Medowlands Sports Complex, East Rutherford, NJ. i'm going. are you?

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I have my trip almost completely planned! A couple more details left to go :) Have you finalized anything, Jess?
i havent paid for anything yet, but its all planned out. im flying into newark on friday evening and leaving monday afternoon. im staying at the EconoLodge. of course they never answered me about if the airport shuttle is wheelchair acessible or not, but as soon as i pay for it i'll call the hotel and ask and if its not then they'll have plenty of time to arrange it for me.all i have left to do is fill out the form so i can pay half price for the buses. its only gunna cost me about $500 for everything
is rja playing both days ?

mesasge me or something backk

ive never been to bamboozle im more warped tour ish so i dontk nwo whow it works
rja is only playing on saturday. u can check the bamboozle website. it's
i'm going!!! my first bamboozle, my first time on the east coast (my travels so far are pathetic!!), my first time seeing RJA live, and i'm totally PUMPED!!! would love to meet up with any other SUPERfans there too since i'm goin by myself (i know, my friends are lame!!). i can't wait!! woohoo!!!
actually that'll be the 3rd time seeing RJA...i'm going to their nashville and philadelphia shows too!! can't wait!!!!
We better arrange a meeting before their set. The crowds are huge. Check out this youtube clip. (I can get the hyperlink to work. Sorry. Just copy and paste.)
I'm going on saturday. i am so excited. I'm mainly going for RJA. i went last year
& i saw them, but i didn't really know them that well. now i'm a HUGE fan of them
& i can't wait 2 see them again.
I'm going. I saw them last year but like some others, didn't really know them as much as I do now. I only knew two songs from them at the time. Now, I know every single song and i'm mainly going for them and Paramore. =]
So does anyone know what kind of set RJA is doing? I mean they are in the midst of the acoustic tour and Bamboozle happens to within those dates. I will be dissapointed if they do an acoustic set at Bamboozle since they are one of the bands I am looking forward to most on the saturday date.









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