Hello Alliance Members!

As some of you know, I am a part of The RJA touring crew. I've been thinking of a way to bring light to the mystery of life on the road, and for the next few upcoming tours I'm planning on having a roadie newsletter available at the merchandise table.
Of course the periodical will include information for our web store and the alliance site, but one of my key goals is to focus on the crew members themselves.

Ever wonder what goes on inside the venue while you're waiting in line outside?
How did they get such cool jobs?
What's it like to work with one of the best bands - EVER?!??
I'd like to know what you guys think of the project, and questions like the ones above would make an awesome addition to the pamphlet. Let me know what you'd like to see included in the newsletter. Don't be shy - include any photos of you with the crew members, short stories about your interactions with them, and anything else you think would be fun to share! I look forward to seeing you all at an upcoming show, and thanks for all of your support!

Staci Winter
Tour Merchandise Manager

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haha whats it like to date a roadie!

miss ya stacers.. see you at disney i hope.. if not bamboozle for sure!

Hi Staci, Just wondering if you could settle a bet. Were The RJA's in Arizona today March 12th, 2008. I have a bet going that it was them that I saw and my children are arguing with me. This bet means if I'm right I'll take them to a concert to see them as soon as they(RJA) are in Phoenix, Arizona. If I'm wrong then (which i will be so bummed) the kids get to have free run of the house Spring Break. I live in small town and have everyone of my kids and all their friends curiosity (and of course wanting me to be wrong so they can party). Got two pictures on my phone and as soon as I figure how to download them I will. Please let me know if they were in Arizona. I hate to call them kids(RJA) But, I love thier music. I jam to it all the time and my kids yell at me to turn it down. LOL! Thanks for any info in advance cause whomever I saw were really nice to me and my mom. Thanks Guys!!
Hey Mom!
Sorry I missed your spring break deadline... But suffice to say the kids have won this one! All of the guys have been spending quality time with their families at home, and although Ronnie was born in Arizona none of the guys live there. Don't be bummed though, we'll be coming back to AZ soon and we'd all love to meet you then!

I hope all is well, take care!

This is a great idea. People just don't realize how intricate the inner working of putting on a show are. Little things like an amp going out, a string breaking midsong, a cymbal falling over, having the right size shirt, and paperwork and contacts like you can't imagine. One person missing from "the crew" and the band isn't complete. We love each and every one of you. I think I have taken as many pictures of the crew as most people take of the band. I appreciate what you guys do behind the scenes and would love to see a newsletter about that.

Videos are fun, too! Tour diary---roadie style!
I can't wait to pick one of those newsletters! seems like a really great idea...foward march!
I LOVE you idea! lol wooot! good plan :D
woooowwww!!i'm jealous because you are part of the rja touring crew....im always wandering what if would be if you are one of the touring crew then touring together with rja??wow taht job you had is totally awesome dude!!
I know me tooo....I needa like get tight with an up n' coming musician so I can tour with themmm. Not even gonna lie....that would be the tightest job ever. Getting paid to go to free shows and chill with bomby people......sooo siiiick. I want in. ANYBODY IN A BAND??! NEED A ROADIEEE? GIMME A HOLLA!!
"Getting paid to go to free shows"...so far from the truth. At most shows you will find Staci around the corner, in a hallway, in the entryway of the venue, so far from the show. It makes me so sad =[ She was always the one right under Ronnie's mic stand with her arm in the air singing her heart out. I miss seeing that. I know Ronnie has to. All of my early videos-you can always spot Staci up front supporting the band. She is amazing.
No where near as amazing as all of RJA's fans! I wouldn't have even thought of the idea if it weren't for you guys. I could stand front and center all night long, but it wouldn't be the same without all of you guys surrounding me, us, everyone else.
My hat goes off to you! You've earned the title No 1 fan, fo sho!


hi staci..thats cool plan..hope more people will acknowledge them with their passion to there music...like i did. hope i can be there krew if they come to the philippines...keep up the good work..



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Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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