K. It goes like this.....you go through the alphabet starting from A all the way down to Z naming bands that start with the letter you're on.
I'll start =]


now someone do B!!!!!!!!

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oh whoops, i didn't know you replied to that. it wasn't on there when i clicked reply lol.

i would do Q but..i have no idea haha.
I don't think there are any that start with Q.
Let's skip it.
R-Reese's Pieces

ewww i hate peanut butter.
i love peanut butter.

T- tootsie roll
Used.........minus the theee
NOT BANDS!!!! eep

U-Ultra dark Ghirradeli or however its fricken spelled.
V - Valomilk
ummmmm how bout


my FAVORITE chocolate mmmmmmmm
ew its all about the dark chocolate foo!
Fuck that shit Nique V!! Dark chocolate blows.

I'm with you there Cameron.....WHITE CHOCO IS THE SHIT!!! =]]

but all other chocolates are good too.

can't think of one for xxxxxxxxxxx.

so Y- YEMA

its some sort of candied custard.... FOODNETWORK!!!!!
Fuck Z too....
Chocolate IS bomb. But not dark chocolate. That's not even chocolate. Half the calories, half the taste....twice the estrogen....better for dieting women PMSing. But still. It's a disgrace to chocolate.

Next topic....any ideas...???
Alphabetize RESTURANTS! that's all I could think of.




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