mine is Ronnie and Elias whats yours

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actually, i would have to agree with you. =)
ii saw them on the Hills, and lgflfkgjfglf. i love himmmm <3
they were on the hills??
i watch that show all the time.....then i didnt watch it for a couple months.
i prolly missed them
Yeah, they had a photoshoot that Whitney was supposed to be handling but Whitney invited them out to a bar or something the night before and the next day they came super late to the shoot. OH! And Elias wanted to be a dick and wouldn't put on the jeans they wanted him to wear so Whitney got in trouble =]
thats stupid that he wouldn't put on those jeans.
he is still my favorite though
umm i dont know lol.
probably Elias. =)
yeah I agree ronnie and elias
This is impossible for me to answer. They all have different personality traits that make them all incredibly likeable. Their skills, whether it's with, leading vocals, backing vocals, bass, guitar, drums, they're all terrific in what they do and give it their all. Their personalities are backed with actions..they're nice guys who do nice things..they're determined guys, who produce insanely good music and do as much as they possibly can to do their good deeds.
Definitely ronnie because his lyrics and voice are so lovely they make me ache inside!
Ronnie is my favorite!
haha that made me laugh Staci. lol
lol.. It's a sure thing..!
Hmmm...Staci Winter? She should have a duet with Ronnie on RJA's next album.lol ...I truly love all the guys, they're the best on what they do but who stands out to me the most would be RONNIE and ELIAS. =)



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