K. It goes like this.....you go through the alphabet starting from A all the way down to Z naming bands that start with the letter you're on.
I'll start =]


now someone do B!!!!!!!!

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lol ok... well do Q for a hair product name brand. keep the game going and no spamming. =]
Q - Queen Helene

i've never heard of it..i just searched online lol. i hope that's not cheating..
no not at all... thats how i got some for the movies... i had a brain fart so i searched it... like google knows alot but ask is way more smarticle lol.
R- Redken
Yes that is cheatinggg!!!
What's the fun in a game if everyone's googling the answers??


everytime I see that stuff at a salon I have to think of fabulous, homosexual brother who uses the MUD religiously. =]

My brother is adorable. =]
T - Thermasilk

i thought of that one myself. :D
U- Ultra Sleek... i forgot who makes it but its part of the brand system.... lol prolly John Frieda or something
V - Victoria's Secret

yes, they make hair products lol.
ok i know it isnt like shampoo and stuff but

W- Whal i guess it does like straighteners or sumthin hair care or w/e

and for whoever cheated b4 me too....your not alone lolz
x-hibit. lolll
lol..does that even count?
if it doesn't..
X - Xhilaration
i'm not sure if they have products but i think they have headbands and stuff.
Is everyone here dirty rotten cheaters?!?!
Y-YSL!! OKay I'm not like REALLY sure they actually have hair care products my friend said they have gel and he wants to get it....but for the sake of this game...I'm gonna assume he's correct.

Yves Saint Laurent it is?

go Z.....!



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