Hey guys, I think everyone on the site (who still uses it at least) should write a little reply in this discussion, just introducing yourself. Probably done before at one point, but we need to revive the alliance! So don't be shy!

How about I give some guidelines of what to say:

Age, Sex, Location


When you first heard of RJA/ How long you've been a fan

Your favorite RJA song

Interesting facts about yourself, etc.


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Hey, I'm 14, I live in England,I'm a girl xD, I like skateboarding and art, along side photography,I heard RJA on YouTube (it was in the recommended bit), my fav song is lonely road or face down. Fact about me... Idk, I caught Danny from asking alexsandria's water bottle


I'm called Ellen, obviously. I'm 14 years old, and I live in the UK.

Hobbies... er... I love any form of art, especially drawing, painting and writing, and I like to think I'm quite good at them. (You ca look at my Deviantart if you're interested... :) )

I also enjoy sailing. I play the piano. Er... well, Music is definitely an interest, 'cause it's probably the reason I'm still alive. XD

I first heard of RJA in an animated video on YouTube- I was going through just2pale's twilight and harry potter piss-takes, and I found an animated version of Face Down (which, if you haven't seen it, is AWESOME.) I think it just dort of grew from there. :)

Anyway, I haven't been a fan for that long- 'bout a year- but RJA are one of my two favourite bands. Can't choose between them. XD

Favourite RJA song... gotta be either Grim Goodbye or Dive Too Deep. Or Pen and Paper...

And I'm stumped when it comes to interesting facts. Er... I write song lyrics on my arm to cheer myself up when I'm depressed? Dunno if that's all that interesting, but my arm usual looks like someone's sketch book. :)

Oh, and I have a really dodgy sense of humour, and a habit of bringing up really old jokes that no-one but me finds funny.

Hey! Im pretty late at responding to this!!  But i love the site(:


My Name is Liz, or Elizabeth. Im 17, and live in Auburn Alabama... Im from Panama City though(:  I becamse a Fan of RJA in late '07 early '08 and ive been a huge fan since. Ive also seen them live 4 times and talk to the band on FB pretty frequantly, its forsure the best feeling to wake up and have a responce on your page from your idol(s)   I love EVERY rja song, but my favorite would have to be tied between Cat and Mouse and Lonely Road... because Ronnie sang them both to me at shows in Atlanta GA. Ronnie and I both Share a love for Lonely road because the Day he sang it to me at the show, he asked whats my favorite song, so i told him that, and he asked why... My grandpa, who had just passed away at the time, told me that no matter how hard life is, you make your own road. At the time, Ronnie's grandfather was still with him, but when i saw him a few months ago (november 2011) i asked would he sing that song in the set? and after the show, (he didnt, cause some guy was being STUPID.)  he was telling me that his own grandpa just passed not to long ago. ..... Lonley road will always hold a special place in my heart because of Ronnie.  My nor his road will never be lonely because of them <3   And the song reminds me of that on a daliy basis(:   (Sorry i have such a long explination)     Rja is liget the best band to come from Florida, or the US i think..


Hello! My name is Tiara i'm 20 years young. I am from a small town that is slowly growing to a larger one..San Angelo, Tx...not many have heard of it and i'm not surprised!

I love to write poetry, draw, sculpt, paint..anything that has to do with art really. i'm interested in anything that catches my eye! I love all kinds of music and i also enjoy writing music.

When I first heard RJA I was at home listening to the radio..Face Down was on nd ever since then i have been a fan. I would have to say my favorite songs are Your Guardian Angel and Dive to Deep!

hmm Something interesting about me....One of my poems was in the national poetry contest and it got published in a book of amateur poets.

face down is such an amazing song. <3

Ello lovelies.  I go by Athena (part of my legal name, but not my first name).  I'm 22 going on 33 and I currently live in Raleigh, NC.  I'm seriously considering moving when my lease expires cross country to pursue music more seriously.

I first heard "Face Down" on the radio when I heard of RJA.  My parents were never fans of letting me or my sister listen to rock music.  For one, they don't like it and two, my mom's a minister.  However, listening to their music was, in a word, freeing.  "Face Down" made me realize who I was as a person and made me feel comfortable with who I was for the first time.  I'm truly grateful that you guys did skip the typical 9 to 5 job, because I'm certain that I would have greeted death in desperation if not for your music.

My favorite song for the longest time was "Godspeed".  The idea that those we perceive as our enemy, especially when told so by those we feel indebted toward, in fact are no more our enemy than we make them to be stuck with me throughout life.  HowEVER, with the new ALBUM dropping..."Dreams" has become my new obsession.  The steampunk opening, the opening verse being sung in a fairly low range compared to what we usually hear from the fabulous Ronnie, the call to action in honor of those you love...means that this song = love.

Interesting fact?  I'm double-jointed in my shoulders.  What does that mean?  I can join my hands and circle my entire body without releasing my hands.  Why bother to care?  Especially useful if I ever get handcuffed. XD

my name is Camila but i go by Cami 

i am 19 year old and live in the Orlando area(florida)

my hobbies include listening to music, singing , reading( i no i am a geek), i guess spending my time on the computer lol.

i first heard RJA about 6 -7 years ago, and i have been hooked ever since, lately i think its gotten to the point where i have to listen to them all the time . something else is that i am not from the states , i  am orgionally from South  America , Colombia to be exact.

i guess that it :)

Something about me is that i speak both English and spanish,  i could to variety of people. umm, i got college and i work part time . i used to work at  water park as  alifeguard and it was boring. i tend to start rambling about anything. i guess this only happens when i don t knwow what to say hahahah. lol 



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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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