soooo who was at the last show? at the 'docks'

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OHH i was! It was awesome! ;]
awsomee pic.! i was right infront of duke at the baracade,,,,,,you can't se me :(
HEYYY you can see my sister and her friend in this pic! I was behind sister is the one with the curly hair in the pony(bottom centre) and the red head beside her(bottom right)
I WASS! lol it was amazing! I actually had never heard of them before except I heard facedown a couple of times and I wasnt really a fan..not cause i didnt like them, I just never took the time to listen to them and my sister said I had to go with her, so Im liek okay...and now Im obsessed!! haha I love them now! and I really want them to come back!!
ahahah you sister sounds like me.:P i did the sme thing to my sister but she fell in love with new years day...monty are i and amber paciic:P + she had to wait 8 hours early in line but it was a great show none the less. i got my suveniers from the how
haha same with my sister shes in love with new years day!..they actually had really awesome songs, Im really happy she bought the cd cause now i can listen to it haha, i also took a pic of her and one of the guitarists
please dont steal, thanks :D

ooo i love thee elias pics imm post some of mine in here too!!

i think i can post this:P weellll i am!!

last pic was all the bands together at their tour busesss
awesome pics!! you where on the other side of the stage as me lol. Nice to get it from another view
yeah every photo i've been seeing form the show hasbeen from the other side i was at so i like that.
They really need to come back!!!! lol









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