Hey guys, I think everyone on the site (who still uses it at least) should write a little reply in this discussion, just introducing yourself. Probably done before at one point, but we need to revive the alliance! So don't be shy!

How about I give some guidelines of what to say:

Age, Sex, Location


When you first heard of RJA/ How long you've been a fan

Your favorite RJA song

Interesting facts about yourself, etc.


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I shall start:


Hi, my name is Matthew Shea, I'm a guy and I live in Newfoundland, which is a province in Canada. It's cold in the winter, and warm in the summer. (We don't get extreme temperatures.) I enjoy listening to music, playing guitar, spending time with my lady friend, and gaming. I first heard of RJA when I was listening to the radio, some time after the debut of Face Down. I really liked it and thought I would look up the rest of their songs. Turns out the band in amazing, am I right? There are so many songs I like by RJA that I have trouble coming up with a favorite. So, instead I just like a fave or two from each CD. From the demo, my favorite is Eyes Watering. From Don't You Fake It, my favorites are Waiting and In Fate's Hands. From Lonely Road, my favorite is You Better Pray. Lastly, from The Hell Or High Water, my favorite song is Casting The First Stone. One interesting fact about me is that I can ride a unicycle! I bought one a couple years ago because I thought it would be fun to try.

Hi! My name is Janine (JUH-NEEN)! I'm 15 and I'm from Miami, Fl. Clearly I'm a chick. Um, I play Varsity Soccer and I like to write. I want to be an author... Um, I like music and chillin' w/ my best bud Katherine. I usually throw in a bunch of words that aren't words in normal conversation. I first heard the RJA on MTV 4 years ago. The song that I heard was, of course, Face Down. I fell in love with it. I joined the Alliance two years ago coming up this summer. I don't have a favorite song because I can't pick. I'm too indecisive. And an interesting fact about me is that I'm half-Cuban and half-White. Also, I REALLY am afraid of worms.
Thanks for the reply! :)

Hello, I'm Romy (pronounced row me), I'm 17 and I'm a girl from York in the UK - it doesn't rain as much as you'd think!

I love playing drums, Jon is the person who first inspired me to pick up sticks 2 years ago, I also play bass (but not so well!), I love to read, I'm a massive graphics and architecture geek, I LOVE listening to music and I also like to write :D

First heard RJA in the summer of '07 (my friend played me Face Down and I shrugged it off! Haha) and became a fan in September of the same year, when she played them to me again :P So it's coming up to 4 years in autumn! Time flies...

My favourite RJA song is too hard to pick! From the demo's and self-titled, probably Disconnected or 20 Hour Drive, from Don't You Fake It, probably In Fates Hands/False Pretense/Seventeen Ain't So Sweet, from Lonely Road, Pleads and Postcards and Lonely Road and from the Hell Or High Water EP, On My Own. To name a few! Haha :)

Interesting fact? Hm. I help to organise a 5,000 person capacity carnival/music festival in my village :D

Your village? Haha that sounds old fashion. Awesome though! :)
Ah not really, it's more a small town now! :)
Hi, my name is Lynn. I'm a female - a really old female, 48 to be exact. I'm the exception to the norm. I was a fan before my kid was. I am the mom on the front row in the pit, as opposed to the mom sitting in the corner with a book, or at the bar waiting for the show to be over. My favorite RJA song is Grim Goodbye. I'd have to say it is a religious experience each time I hear it. I'm from Middleburg, FL and was introduced to their music in 2004 by a coworker. Sadly, I missed their November 2004 show at Freebird for their self-titled cd, but started seeing them in concert in early 2005. Concerts are my Hobbies/Interests. Interesting facts???...Well, I've got more RJA memorabilia than most and I've seen them 101 times in concert. Hence the name...rjasnumberonefan :)
WHAT!? 101 times? That's pretty freaking fantastic. I'm jealous. I only saw them once and I lucked out when I got to see them then!
I would never have guessed you have only seen them 1 time. You are so dedicated to the Alliance and I can tell you love the band. I felt the very same way after my first concert. Couldn't get enough. lol I get just as excited about going to a concert now. No matter how many times i've gone...the wait in line, the rush to the front row, the minute they walk onto the stage all the way to the last note of Grim Goodbye~~~is heaven!!!
Even if I didn't see them at all, I would still think they are an amazing band. :)
Hi! :) Can I just say how jealous I am of your 101 times of seeing them in concert?! That's incredible! And I was just wondering what's your favourite/most treasured  piece RJA memorabilia?

      Good question! Every piece holds a sweet spot in my heart for whatever memory it brought to me. Let's see...I guess my favorite would be my first RJA t-shirt. Black w/ a hot pink skull. Randy wears his pretty often. It was before they were signed and mostly locals are the only ones with the shirt. If I spot one on somebody I know they are truly old school RJA fans. Brings me back to 2005 :)

      Other treasured items? Hmmm??? My daughter and I have a broken drum pedal signed by Jon, various sticks, pics, and such. We have an entertaining video that only 3 souls (those that were there) have seen because what happens in Panama City stays in Panama City. We have some set lists that have original song titles on them before they were renamed. And lastly, all the video and pictures from each show that brings back every concert memory from that era. From small venues to large crowds...from Warps Hot Topic Stage to Mainstage...Ronnie's short hair to long hair back to short hair LOL.



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Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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