I swear i listen to other red jumpsuit songs but that ones addictive :D im hooked r u?

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I love that song too, but i think "Step Right Up" is really awesome.
Well I can safely say that I am addicted to the whole 'Dont fake it' albumn as its dynamic and melodic switches are amazing and also their tendancy to change the tempo when you least expect it never ceases to amaze!

fave song while writing this is 'misery loves its company'
although at this exact second is 'seventeen Ain't So Sweet' as that seems to have such an amazing message to it

"Theres a fire in your eyes
and I hope you'll let it burn
Theres a scream in your voice
and I hope you will be heard
Theres a fire in your eyes
and i hope you'll let it burn until your heard"

That really means alot as do all the songs on the albumn as they all seem to shout out to people going through bad times and reminding them that theyre not alone, while giving them something to relate to and encourage them to keep being themselves and shouting out to the world.
I agree that is indeed RJA's music in a nutshell. I think their best album by far is "Don't You Fake It" but all of their albums are awesome. I am really anticipating their new one, "The Hell or High Water", which i think comes out in august.
RJA has been a real blessing in my life.
:D true
For sure, DYFI has gotten me through a LOT of hard times, and Damn Regret is one of my fave songs off the album :)
I do not take a great interest, but listened much better their song.
Yeah. I love Atrophy too.
i think Pleads and Postcards is a wonderful song too...it helps me kind of feel better about the fact that my boyfriend is away.



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