Yes, I want to know! :D (because I'm nosy, and I want to know the fans a bit more)

Are you doing anything exciting or wish you were doing anything exciting for the Christmas Season? haha

Also, what kind of present(s) are you hoping to get?

Talk to you all soon. :)
Much Love.

I posted a blog about this, too. (blog #2)
You're welcome to reply on either one of your choice...or both (if you really want to; although, it isn't necessary). :)

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Hey Bern!
Well for Christmas Me and my sister get to go home to Texas to spend it with our family! We havent seen them since the end of August so I couldnt think of a better way to spend it. :)
Im hoping there will be a TomTom under the tree for me. lol It would be useful on all of my Roadtrips.
Heyyyy girl. I still have you around on myspace! :) It's gone through many "editing" stages. haha

TomTom. I have one; bought it over the summer. It's a very useful thing to have...especially if you travel alot (which I'm sure you do quite often) :p

For the record, I LOVE TEXAS! :D Hope you have a safe & fun Christmas back home. :)










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