Welcome to the Red Jumpsuit Alliance! =)

You may ask yourself, what is the Alliance? What will I find here? Why should I join, lelt alone stick around?

Well, lets see.

What is the Alliance?
The Alliance is basically the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus's fan page, where you can come and hang out.. discuss RJA, and other music.. or anything else that comes to mind.
The Alliance has been described as a haven, a second home, or just a place to get away for a while and relax.

What will I find here?
Basically what has already been stated above. It is a fun and safe enviornment to come and discuss music, and random things.. like llamas, and penguins. maybe even BBQ sauce. (:
Just sorta looking through the Alliance you will also find numerous blogs that other members have written, forums about different subjects, and lots of fun and interesting pictures to look at.

Also, a very important factor. Not many new members realize this but there is a chat where you can talk to other fans of RJA!

In the button right hand corner of your page you will see a bar that looks like the image below:

It won't always say '3 online' .. the number will vary depending on how many members are online.

Click on the button in your chatbar, and it will pop open the chat.

Next just start typing, and you're set! (:

Why should I join, let alone stick around?
Besides getting to listen to RJA, and discuss the band, you get to meet new and exciting people who you may very well have a lot in common with. (:
Also, by paying attention to the forums, you will from time to time receive special and exclusive updates on the band .
For example: Ronnie WInter recently released a single entitled 'Valentines Day'! If you want to listen to it, you'll be able to find it on his page, and the lyrics are in one of his blogs as well. (:


There are just a few rules that you will need to abide by.. nothing too complicated.


1) This is not a dating site. I cannot stress that point enough. It is not lavalife or eHarmony. If you feel the need to flirt, go elsewhere.

2) This is not a place to pick fights, and start drama.

3) Do not say anything negative about RJA, the band members, or their families.


You may ask, why would someone join the Alliance just so say mean things about RJA?

We don't really know why people do this, but it has happened a lot in the past, and we'd prefer if it didn't happen anymore.


A side note.. :

If you have a problem with someone on here, or someone has a problem with you, do not under any circumstances publically fight it out. No I'm not suggesting you fight it out at all, but if you feel you need to talk to that person about the issue, then do it privately.

If the issue is not resolved, or if you feel you cannot handle it file a report.

You will be able to do this by scrolling down to the very bottom of any page on the Alliance, and on the left hand side you will see 'Report an Issue'.



Otherwise, that's about it! We hope to see you around the chat sometime!


Long Live the Alliance!

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I will join you! Let it be me! :) Lol
Freaking a party at the Alliance!



Spotify http://spotify.redjumpsuit.com

Apple http://apple.redjumpsuit.com

Google http://google.redjumpsuit.com

Amazon http://amazon.redjumpsuit.com

FREE http://free.redjumpsuit.com


PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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