Hey I am really curious on the new album I loved both albums Dont You Fake It and Lonely Road the lyrics are amazing in both and each song tells a great story and I was wondering if the new album was going to be more like the songs off Dont You Fake It or Lonely Road or if it was going to be completely different in its own way. I know it will be a great album no matter what and I cant wait for it to come out.





P.S. Come to Cleveland,OH I have loved RJA for 4 years and still havent seen you guys yet.

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i hope that it'll be more like DYFI, as it is one of my favourite albums of all time :) but valentines day sounds a bit like LR
Yeah I hope it will be like DYFI too but whatever it is like I know I will like it.:]
i actually talked to ronnie via facebook chat and asked him this same question the other day and he said a little bit of both. i love the sound of his voice on the new valentines day song because it is similar to the old songs like angels cry, 20 hour drive etc.

ps. btw i have awesome live videos of rja @ my youtube account which is youtube.com/hondaguy520
Ohh thank you for letting me know yeah I know I love his voice thats what I thought it was very similar to Angels Cry and Home Improvemen etc. Your lucky I wish I could talk to Ronnie.:]
what's ronnie's FB? I've searched a lot and can't find him...
A bit of both! sounds awesome... :)
its his name but im most certain he only adds people he knows, because he has like 600 friends, and if he added everyone he would have thousands
i got him on fb,

but not found him online yet.
& its true what branden said,
cause then he'de have to make a new one :L

I hope their new album comes out soon (:
i sometimes catch log into FB and it says hes online, but hes actually just gotten off lol
and if this is true, i feel very privileged =)
i met them in Jacksonville in dec at jack rabbits
Shhhhhhhhh. I'll share a secret. A little birdie gave us a sneek peek at a few and they were AMAZING!!!!! Makes me uber-excited about the cd coming out soon. Soft, hard, old school, new stuff, dreamy, screaming, and one that I believe will be destined for a movie soundtrack. It gave us all chills. Yeah, they were that good. Be excited...be very excited!
OHHH MYYY thank you so much thats great news.:] I am super happy now.:] That just made my day better.



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