Last night i was standing inbetween three tornados.

no joke!
so where i'm from we DONOT get tornados! but yesterday im at work we look out the windows and were like holy fk! so obviously we go out side to film :P (none of my videos saved :( ) but yeah we watch one tornado form start destroying homes.building stuf flying verywhere than we watch it died only to have another two form to our right. than in the plaza i work in about 5 of the stores there got struck by lightning. was way to scary! than two streets down from me, one of the streets got totaled! but it was wierd casue only one side of the street was touched by the twister. but anyways tomorrow i get to see RJA so a littl upside to this crazy weekend

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wow, that's crazy =o
glad you're alright!

& yay for RJA tomorrow! :D
i know irght !! (rja) aughhh im sad. my friend whos cming all of a sudden has an appointment tomorrow. ow i need to ait for her meaning i'm going down later than i always go EVERY time i see them! sooo not gonna feel right
wow... that's freakin AWESOME!!!
just yeasterday it was summer weather in the morning then at about 1:00 it got a bit gusty and then out of nowhere this gale force wind started blowing and everything was going in my eyes. i was at school at the time. the clouds were almost black and the trees were bent right over!!! only an hour or so later it was sunny again XD
Melbourne weather...gotta love it ^_^
ahhh yeah australia has the same weather like canada. canada you know its gonna be cold but you don't expect certain things to happen thn in australia basically the oposite:P
hahah didn't notice what shoes he was wearing but holy crap that was seriosuly the best show i've seen of theirs!! gonna do a review on here in a bit. aftter my shower. or maybe tomorrow.









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