Long Live The Alliance

A kid came up to me now just the other day
And asked me if I'd thought about what I would say
If everything came crashing down on top of me
How would I stay pure?

Will you represent
Who you stand for
Will they shame you
Will they blame you

It's funny how the words of a child can be
Simple, though the thought there is so meaningful
It makes me wonder what I would say to me
Through the eyes of another

Will you represent
Who you stand for
Will they shame you
Will they blame you

There's a consequence
For the path you chose
Will they change you
Will they make you who you are not

Let the free world light the way
In these times of darkened days
Let the free world light the way

You will represent
Who you stand for
They wont shame you
They wont change you

There's a consequence
For the path you chose
They can't change you
They can't make you who you are not

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My favorite song from the new album.
It made me teary-eyed the first time I heard it.
Now, I play it over and over. I can't get enough of it. :)<3
totally an awesome song.
no doubt about it!
i love this song..it has such a deep meaning..
This song is so powerful and I know it means so much.
i'm currently listening to it right now..!!!
it's so....oooohhhh....
don't know what to say.!!!!
love this song so much.!!!1
oh,, i really like this song ,
rock on,,, ^.~
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