i keep having nightmares about The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. O:
it's scary! D:

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such a lucky person you are....... cause i had hanna montanna eat my parents!
that's a classic ^_^
dood,that's what happend with me and twilight.
i didn't even get a chance to actually enjoy the series. D:
everyone abuses the power of vampires books here,so no one can really like them because "fans" get all creepy about it. Dx
i've never woke up crying. O:
what happend to make you cry!? O:
i know. their all like, "i'm Mrs Edward Cullen." and i'm just like GET OVER IT!!! HE'S JUST A FICTIONAL CHARACTER!!! YOU'LL NEVER BE MRS EDWARD CULLEN!!! and their all raving about how awesome Edward is and how much Jacob sucks and Jacob is my favourite character... oh and Jared cause he imprints on Kim and my name is Kim so...^_^
i can't remember. oh, yeah, i had a dream where i was in a concentration camp in the middle of the city and my friend was trying really hard to get me out. it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo depressing. she was going to hold a ball type thing to raise awareness that people were suffering in the camp cause no one knew about it. i woke up before the dream ended so i don't know what would have happened. it totally drained me of energy. i was so down the next day that i was almost depressed. funny thing is i was learning about Hitler in history for half the year and that night the last song i listened to was godspeed and i thought how much it reminded me of Hitler and the 2nd world war. so i guess the red jumpsuit apparatus inspired my nightmare.
wowee. O:
that's a horrible, O:
i remember doing a report about a concentration camp last year,actually.
horrible stuff.
i listen to the red jumpsuit apparatus every night, xD
yeah, i learned about EVERYTHING Nazi in history for the past 6 months and i can tell you, I AM SO OVER HITLER AND EVERYTHING TO DO WITH HIM. i'd be happy to NEVER hear his name again. i'm over racism, prejudice, propaganda and EVERYTHING Nazi!!! if i were a Jew in Germany or there abouts back then i would probably either pose as a Christian or shoot myself.
i probably would too,to be honest.
hhhhmmmm... have you ever had a dream wher your falling? some people say that if you hit the ground, your dead. except i've had dreams where i've hit the ground. mind you it almost scared me to death but in one of my dreams i fell at least 5 times and hit the ground EVERY time!!! i'm still alive today ^_^ i also didn't wake up when i landed o.0 i would have thought the shock would wake me up. i guess not.
wowee,i've had a dream where i fell down the stairs then my whole body twitched along with it. xD
if you fall and hit the ground you die?
that's brutal. O:
haha. don't ya hate that?
yes it was VERY brutal but i can tell you now that i am very much alive ;D
i once had this dream that i was in the movie Matilda and i was in her house. all of a sudden these bowling balls came rolling down the stairs and it got louder and louder then 'BOOM'!!! i woke up and it was just the sound of thunder. it's wierd how your environment can influence your dreams o.0
I had a dream they did a concert at my school, then came back to my house. they were all wearing leather jackets except ronnie...he was dressed like a lepricaun(can't spell lapricaun :P)
k so the other night i had a dream i was on tour with them and we had like a six bedroom suite in some 5 star hotel. We went partying and i got VIP access at all there shows. It kind of sucked when i woke up ( ;



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