Soo...share your Randy stories.....share if it's about Duct Tape, Sour Patch Kids, Him Being a Ninja or just whatever because hey Randy Rocks!!!

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well my favourite story about duct tape regarding randy is when i was on the chat talking to abbie [AbbieNormal] and we were talking about what would happen if we're pissed off, and something about hitting screaming into pillows, and i said if i'm pissed off i'm gonna be doing more then screaming into a pillow, and Mr. Winter came out of nowhere and said something about not if somebody wraps you up in duct tape first.
i'm greatly disappointed, though. coz i've been pissed off since then and has anybody come after me with duct tape? noooo. =(
[still one of my warm fuzzies, though. :D]
haha. That was fun. And so begin the Duct Tapers!!! Also, when we determined that Randy is not female, but is in fact a guy. Also, he's not gay. And of course, is the duct tape mastah! KDT for life!!! (KDT=King Duct Tape) He should get a duct tape crown and cape. That'd be epic.
Haha Abbie!! Love the comment :)
remember abbie.. he has to cover the tour bus in duct tape too ^_^
at least I think he should. He said that'd be too much work apparently though (lazy ass...) so I guess the crown and cape will have to suffice. *sigh* OOOOO, when I got to their concert, I'm so gonna find their bus and duct tape it! That'd be epic! >./body>
yes, coz a girl with a roll of duct tape going in the direction of their tour bus wouldn't be a cause for concern.. >.>
good luck with that
I wouldn't be heading their with a roll of duct tape. I'd be going with a whole freakin' box full! And I'll be sneaky. No one will ever see me coming.
LOL nice ;)









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