What is your favorite song by RED JUMPSUIT APARATUS?
What's is your favorite song on their new album and what is your favorite song on there old ablum?

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My favorite song on their new album is You Better Pray and my favorite song on their old album is Misery Loves Its Company. What about you, Mari?
On there new album it would have to be senorities and there old album it would have waiting
You Better Pray has a music funny video to me it makes me laugh sometimes
hands down, facedown
I knew someone was going to say that song it's a really god song no wonder it's so popular
my favorite is atrophy. and on their new album would have to be represent.
Atrophy is a good song like that one two
My favorite song is Cat and Mouse , and on their new album would have to be Senioritis.
same here i love Senioritis it's my fav. one on their new album and cat and mouse is good too it's in my top 5
on their old, i cant choose between Your Guardian Angel, Face Down, In Fates Hands, and Atrophy XD although i owe it to guardian angel for making me fall in love with the band lol on their new album, i like pull me back, you better pray, and godspeed, again i cant choose :) hehe
yeah between those it would have to be In Fates Hands and next would be Artophy but I do like the others. The new between those it would have to be Pull me back hands down then you better pray and I like godspeed.
lol awesome



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Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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