Hello Alliance Members!

As some of you know, I am a part of The RJA touring crew. I've been thinking of a way to bring light to the mystery of life on the road, and for the next few upcoming tours I'm planning on having a roadie newsletter available at the merchandise table.
Of course the periodical will include information for our web store and the alliance site, but one of my key goals is to focus on the crew members themselves.

Ever wonder what goes on inside the venue while you're waiting in line outside?
How did they get such cool jobs?
What's it like to work with one of the best bands - EVER?!??
I'd like to know what you guys think of the project, and questions like the ones above would make an awesome addition to the pamphlet. Let me know what you'd like to see included in the newsletter. Don't be shy - include any photos of you with the crew members, short stories about your interactions with them, and anything else you think would be fun to share! I look forward to seeing you all at an upcoming show, and thanks for all of your support!

Staci Winter
Tour Merchandise Manager

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hi staci,im rachelle from the philippines ,im a big fan of the rja i want ronnie give a message from me cause i like him as a performer he has a good voice....
Are you ronnies wife? :)
Are you ronnies wife? :)
Yes, she is Mrs. Winter. Ronnie is a lucky man :)
Theyre both lucky :) i want to be part of rja crew! Whew. I saw them live once but i never got the chance to meet them. Uh oh. I cant share any photos or stories. Sad. But the guys were really good ang i love them. Come back here in philippines! :-)
That's a really, really good idea that you have!! I think you focusing on the crew members is really cool and that is something that I would really like to hear about as a fan myself. I think that the questions you're focusing on are good topics that us fans would be really interested in reading about. I think some other good topics/ questions to think about for your pamplet are...
How do you and the fans connect? Like what are some of your favorite expierences with meeting RJA fans and Staci fans?

What is it like being married to one of the members of the best band ever? Like how does touring all the time affect yours and Ronnie's marriage?
I myself imagine that it makes it stronger, and there must be a lot of trust there. I imagine that touring must be fun for you two, and you getting to be Tour Mechandise Manager must be pretty awesome to get to meet the RJA and Ronnie fans.

What's yours and the other crew members relationship with all Red Jumpsuit band members like? Such as how often do you and the crew members hang out with Ronnie, Joey, Dukey, Jon & Matt. What do you all do when you just goof of?

And you could maybe have a few Crew Members write a few little sentences or just a little story about one of their favorite expierences of being a crew member for The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.

And also have some other Crew Members share some secrets of touring and being on the road with RJA. Like let them share some of the Behind The Scenes things that the fans might not know about.

And have other Crew Members share their favorite part of their job. Like what's their favorite part of working for RJA and how do they manage to stay grounded when they work for only the best band ever?!!

Just try to involve all the Crew Members that you can and make them feel even more involved and special than they already are.

Personally me as a fan of Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and Staci Winter (hehe by the way you are super cool) I would really like to read about the things I mentioned above, and I'd like to know more about you.
Something that you might not knwo Staci is that you have alot of Staci Winter fans! I first heard The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus "Face Down" and instantly fell in love with the band. I looked them up and listened to all of their songs. I went out and bought both of their CD's and am always listening to their songs and watching their awesome videos.
When I decided to look up stuff about the members of RJA I found out Ronnie was married. That didn't really shock me, but then when I found out more about you I became a Staci Winter fan. I was very, very happy that Ronnie married somebody really cool, and that you married somebody really cool.
Something else I think would be a really good idea to put in there is the story behind how you and Ronnie met and just some interesting things about Ronnie and about you.
And also you could make a little section called something like "Fun Facts" or whatever you want. You could try to put one fun fact about each job of each member (that's probably not going to be possible, but you could put your favorite fun facts) and I know it's not really about the band, but maybe you could put one little fun fact that fans might not know about each member. Something fun about Ronnie, Duke, Joey, Jon & Matt.
I hope I helped you and if you need anymore help or anything at all you can leave me a comment or message me :)
Oh yeah by the way I sent you a friend request, but I totally understand if you don't have time to accept it or just don't want to. Just check out my page and the choice is yours :)
Good luck with the pamplet and keep on rocking Staci!!
Yours Truly,
Your Guardian Angel :)
Many thanks to ur post. I love it.

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Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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