Have you ever been to a RJA concert, if so what is your favorite song they performed and why

i love them and have always liked songs live then differnt to the ones i love that are recorded. wat bout u guys

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I saw them when they did the UK tour last year :) They were sooooo amazing, it was the first gig i ever went to aswell which made it even better lol, but anyway yeah i thought grim goodbye was awesome :P And also damn regret was really good! I hope they come back to the UK again<3
i have 3

1.Cat & Mouse with Duke on piano: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yyOuiEnZBA (my video from 4-29-09)
2. i was lucky enough to hear a partial Angels Cry
3. Pull Me Back
I almost pooped my pants when they played pen and paper!
Actually I almost pooped/peed my pants when they played in general!
W/Secondhand seronade on 4/18/09
yea i saw them the first time they ever came to aus, start of this year and i loved the song the grim goodbye the best... rja were playing at a metal festival and out of even the crazy metal bands i rated ronnies scream the most powerful and best sounding, he has a gift....

in the grim goodbye the screams were amazing..
lol yer he does, i love his screaming lol grim goodbye is such a classic song
I watched their tour awesome ronnie is one of my favorite screamer yeah.
the in fate's hand or Ass shaker is so damn good ^^
every single song that they played was amazing! damn! can't get over it! but my most favorite is when they performed the grim goodbye! really my fave song!!!
Just went to the Denver show...it was amazing as always n Staci was a doll :)...

I have to admit I teared up a bit when they played..."Justify"
I absolutely adore this song n was told that they only played it 1 other time during their tour :)...The crowd went wild n it was amazing!!! :D
When i watched 'em perform live for the first time in the Philippines, i become a bigger fan! I luv-my guardian angel,cat and mouse.grim goodbye is really amazing!i never appreciated growling before until Ron performed it! Rja is rockin!i wish rja will b back here n the Philippines...soon!
False Pretense because that song is awesome and they opened the show with that song so it was full blast and Ronnie had a lot of energy so he put his all in the performance
Damn regret!
Everyone was jumping!!



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Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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