I love the song Believe because It really shows the meaning of love to me.
"I still believe that there is more love than hate, theres more heart than ache"
That was so emotional.

How about you guys? what is your favorite rja song?
no all answers, PICK THE BEST!

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From Lonely Road..."You Better Pray". It's so in-your-face, and I love that. I also really like "Lonely Road" because of the messsage it sends that sometimes the right way isn't the easiest way and you have to decide what's more important.

From DYFI...I have two favorites. First is "False Pretense," because it really speaks to some of the fake people that I've encountered. Second is "Grim Goodbye" because it's one of those songs that can really calm me down if I'm angry or upset.
face down..cause i can really relate to it...!!!!it took me a long time to wake up from my nightmare.!!!!
and this song really inspired me to break it through it all..!!!!although your guardian angel was the first song i've heard from the band.,.!!!

anyway,,,their songs are all amazingly great.!!!
I would have to say Seventeen Aint So Sweet tht song 4 me its amazing the lyrics r so touchng on how life was for me although i was 18 hahahah @ the time lol
I'd have to agree with you on Believe. I love it so much.
"With a little bit of help from above and a sprinkling of love"

That song just caught my attention, and I just can't stop singing/listening to it.
hummm... face down cause it made me feel normal, not some normal girl with a ruined life cuz of abuse
the songs that i like are:

face down - it's so awesome,it expresses the feeling of a gurl

In fates hands or Ass shaker -it's rocking. i like the screaming part of the song

Grim Goodbye - it's hard to express cuz i really like it

Pull me back - cuz of the good solo and and awesome lyrics

Your guardian angel - it reminds me of my only one T_T

I love all of there songs! ^^



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