Hello Alliance Members!

As some of you know, I am a part of The RJA touring crew. I've been thinking of a way to bring light to the mystery of life on the road, and for the next few upcoming tours I'm planning on having a roadie newsletter available at the merchandise table.
Of course the periodical will include information for our web store and the alliance site, but one of my key goals is to focus on the crew members themselves.

Ever wonder what goes on inside the venue while you're waiting in line outside?
How did they get such cool jobs?
What's it like to work with one of the best bands - EVER?!??
I'd like to know what you guys think of the project, and questions like the ones above would make an awesome addition to the pamphlet. Let me know what you'd like to see included in the newsletter. Don't be shy - include any photos of you with the crew members, short stories about your interactions with them, and anything else you think would be fun to share! I look forward to seeing you all at an upcoming show, and thanks for all of your support!

Staci Winter
Tour Merchandise Manager

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I think the project is an great idea. Because it will give fans a more inside look at what their favorite band has going on behind the scenes. Don't have any questions yet to ask, but I will soon!
aye girl you're cute :]
that idea is awesome,.
for sho that i'm gonna read some..

what i'dd like to know.. how the hack did YOU get that job.
how can anyone get such a great job
and do bandmembers treat you right as a roadie..

that's cool!!!
nice idea!!!
i will love to read that...
will THE RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS go to the philippines?
That sounds awesome :]
Unfortunately I live in England, so would it be possible to do an online one as well?
Question-What's the RJA tourbus like? Is it really messy or are those guys abnormally neat-lol :]
Thanks :]
wow this is really cool :)

I know very little of them, but I love their songs and though I've recently found this amazing band I already think it's great!
I'm becoming a real fan x))))

wonderful idea btw
How is touring overseas different from life on the road in the US? I am sure logistically getting all the equipment moved is a challenge flying abroad, language barriers etc.
I've always wanted to become a part of the band's crew (well after i graduate high school)
this is an awesome idea!! i love it...
i wanna be a part of the RJA crew someday!! lolz

hope that you guys come back here in Philippines!
so i think we really need to have another one of these newsletters
Where was this newsletter when I saw you Saturday?!
wow! i love the idea...there's no wondering anymore on whats going on behind the scenes...
its good to know that you'll also involving the fans...its so cool!



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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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