Mechanics for the Upcoming RJA Show/Tour in Manila and Meet & Greet Passes

Here’s the mechanics for the upcoming show of the RJA here in Manila.

1. Purchase any requirements/items within Glorietta at Link Building, Park Square 1 either on March 6 or 7 worth Php 500.00 and above, single or accumulated receipt.
2. Exchange your receipts to get the ticket on March 7 only, Saturday, 10 am.

There are only 200 seats available and it’s a first come first serve basis.
Php 500.00 is equivalent to one seat.

1. Purchase any items worth Php 1,500.00 single receipt within Trinoma or Php 1,000.00 single receipt (minimum) at third level only.
2. Receipts are equivalent to two (2) seats.
3. Tickets should be claim one day before the show, which is March 07, Saturday.

There are 200 seats available but since the minimum receipts are equivalent to two (2) seats, we only have 100 slots at Trinoma.

Ayala Malls A-Card Holder will have the privilege to avail the above mentioned passes. How to get the A-Card? Present your receipt worth Php 10,000.00 within six (6) months at A-Card Concierge/Booth together with one (1) valid id and Php 300.00. The first 20 who will present the said card will have the chance to meet and greet the band.
The first six to claim the tickets will get the passes (not the final mechanics yet).

Note: This for Glorietta & Trinoma only. I’ll update this thread to post the mechanics for the show at the other venues as soon as I get the details. But for those who know how we can watch the show, please share us the details. It’ll be highly appreciated. Thanks!

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pala...sinung mayaman dyan..pautang naman..buahaha..jokez:)
first come first served sa trinoma--- pero sa pag-exchange ng receipts yun, hehehe
- if the first ten for trinoma will get the meet-and-greet passes, i think i'll claim my tickets at trinoma first and then fly to glorietta to get my tickets for the show on that day since it's obviously hard to get a 10k worth of receipt for the meet-and-greet passes at glorietta.
meron pa ata ung sa odyssey in trinoms.... i don't have the chance to check it out pa.... hell week this week eh.....
wala... First 10 to claim the stubs will have the chance to meet and greet the band.. I'm so excited na, they'll be here in Thursday already, ahhahahahaha
wow...dapat punta me dyan sa alabang kasi wala klase kaso...napaka layou sa min....
sa trinoma ako manonood
hey!! musta show sa alabang??????
guys..di bah sa trinoma naman ''receipts are equivalent to 2 seats"..pwede ung isang seat dun...cung may sobra kau at naghahanap kau ng isa pang katabi..pwede..ako na lang ung isang un..ksi gusto cuh talaga makita rja in personnal at isa lang ang chance kuh guys para makita cuh sila...ksi di na cuh tuloy sa glorietta..kasi...may saturday classes fah kameh..bad3p ngah eh..plz...plz...txt nyu nah lang meh cung meon fah cauh kahet isa lang..plz

# cuh...
XENT>>>>09063284408..please introduce yourself and pls tell also that you're a memeber of the alliance..okay...enx
my advice, go to the mall really early, and look for the sponsoring cd store. if you're lucky, you might get a cd signing pass when you buy the tour package.

the guys from rja were really nice. :)
- yeah, that was one of the mechanics at TriNoma for those who didn't get a meet-and-greet passes. The 1st 100 to buy the cd at the day of the show itself will get a cd signing pass. (got my seat stub but i didn't make it for the 1st ten to claim it...)
pareho tayo, huhhuhu.. nakakatawa kasi takbuhan kanina nung nag-open yung mall, hahahah... I'll make sure i'll be earlier tomorrow.. ano suot mo kanina???? I was the girl wearing black t-shirt and brown pants, hahahah..









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