im in a band you guys i kinda my idles so im going to you for help.... ok this is it we would like you to HELP get signed we already have a bunch of songs [original] and fans we live in Virgina some fans in Ohio made us a facebook group a week ago....

.... anyways id be awesome if you could help us... oh yeah i almost forgot to tell you what music we play its power pop, alternative, and i we kinda play the same style of music you do

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do u guys have a myspace?
hahaha nope cant make one yet but soon
Sorry guys... I visited your Facebook and I didn't see a lot of talent... First off how do you (probably) get signed by Warner Bros., probably one of the biggest recording labels out there...? And secondly, if you're music is really that great why don't you guys put at least a little bit of time into advertising it? As a published author, I realize that you can make something astounding, but if you don't put yourself out there in both an attractive and timely manner, no one is really going to catch on... If you really wanted to impress/get signed (personally, I'd make a Myspace with some actual music on it(that's what you're advertising, after all), and I'd shoot for [probably:P] a smaller recording company, but that's just me.

Example of a well-advertised band. Really, there's nothing special about them; they're local, they're decent, they're working out the kinks... but they have done a really good job getting what little stuff they have out there. If I was an agent for a recording company, this band would definitely impress me just by the image of themselves that they put out there... + they have a Myspace w/ music :P >> Sixx Shooter
well first its a bad choice of words what i should have said was we're not exactly sure when [we only know its sometime next year, thats all, cuz they want us to get 1. out of high-school and 2. they dont want us to do too much publicity they said that they didnt want us to "mess up our on shit"] and the group is really REALLY new so thats why theres no music BUT we're gonna try to start putting up demos every friday starting this friday so thats our current status right now.

i understand your confusion/ kinda "rude-ness".... anyways thanks for the feedback and we'll probly gonna take that advice about the myspace thing but seriously id be awesome if you joined ok









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