favorite(s) RJA songs:
Face down
Your guardian Angel
you better pray
cat and mouse
false pretense
misery love it's company

post some of yours.

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I love the fact there is such a rich background to each song. It deals with relevant topics everyone should be aware of.

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i love facedown. simply because it means a lot to me that a couple of guys have stood up for and said that it's wrong to treat a woman that way, when other guys may condone it. each song is complex, and it is realistic, so you know you can relate to it. not many bands would take risks like that, they would just stick to the same old tired topics, and i like that RJA breaks the chains and expectations of them.
okay here it goes,

face down-my god i love this song. it means a lot to me, my brother and mother
weve been through a lot the past 10 years and it funny that its all coming to a end soon.
this song basicly helped me stand up my dad (aka sperm donor haha)

atrophy-is my favorite off DYFI. its my "get off your butt and do something song" xD
been into grim goodbye and misery loves its company.

grim goodbye has this dark theme but in reality, this happens to people. they want to escape from something that they know is wrong but can't do so. i had and still have deep connection to this song because you really can see that the lyricist (ronnie) was able to touch this subject with the write emotions and beat to interpret the words.

for misery loves its company, one of my favorite songs, i feel like "oh, it's nice that this band has the same view with the society we're living in". i love the line that says, "there is a problem here, with our society, the absence of my tears, is my sobriety", that was so true that i could cry hearing the song. amidst the screaming... there lies the meaning....the truth...



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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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