"You Better Pray" on Philippines Myx MIT 20 (Update: YBP is already OUT OF THE COUNTDOWN!!!)

Feb 21: Guys, terrible news... "You Better Pray" is NOT on the countdown anymore!!! :( Please keep on voting! It's so sad... From 14 to nothing...

I just wanted to share that I'm so. SO happy because RJA'S YOU BETTER PRAY has advanced 5 places on the Myx International Top 20 (a local TV chart show here in the Phil.)! It really made my day! I was nervous coz I thought they were not on the countdown anymore. They were on the 19th spot (second to the last) for TWO WEEKS and I almost screamed when I found out they were already on the 14th spot! (I can't scream here at home coz my mom might think I'm crazy. Haha)

Well, let's keep on voting for RJA! I'm just so happy that our beloved band is doing well again in our country. "Your Guardian Angel" as #1 was already a gift for fans like me... "You Better Pray" could do better! ;)

Thanks guys! :)

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is it really international...kasi i thought myx is just here in the phil. hehehehe. 14th na? wow.... di ko maabutan ung countdown eh... what time does it air?
Hehe, not really. It's called "International Top 20" because it's a chart show that features only foreign songs and artists. MYX Hit Chart and Daily Top Ten feature both local and foreign.
yah..keep on voting...push it to the 1 position...patalsikin sa david archuleta..hahaha:)

..by the way..joy...this is the time of airing og m.i.t 20

sat-7 pm
sun-3 pm
so you've notice too...the number 1 position always goes to that dude...hehehehe

thnx for the sked..... i wish i can watch those times... have class durng those days too.... hikhik....
REALLY? IT'S ALREADY ON THE CHART?! Men... We don't have cable... I really like Myx back home, but here? AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR THAT NEWS! Update me, other songs might come up!
i've seen the video for the first time yesterday on M.I.T... proud to say i voted for it and will keep doing so till they reach number 1.
Yah.... Last time I checked its at #14 on MIT.
Bad news! As of today, Feb 21, "You Better Pray" is not on the countdown anymore! :(
yah...and take note..all of the new entries there are not good....opinion cuh 2 ah:)
I AGREE! Plus, the highest new entry is from the JoBros at #4. Tsk. :( I don't hate them, it's just that our RJA could do better....
WHAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT??????!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Men!
dude.. that's a bummer...



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