FILIPINOS: NO LEADERS on chapters. BE A GROUP AND UNITE AS ONE! NO HIGHER ranks! were all FANS. just be equal.

for my own opinion, I think its really not fair to have a leaders on each RJA philippine concerts. BE FAIR. were all fans and lets not get rude? We all love RJA and we must be on our equal level as a FAN. When were there on the concert, let us unite as ONE and don't call others a LEADER? Duh.., ITS RJA WHY WHERE THeRE. Hope you understand my side. I know everyone wants to be a leader so be fair guys. All OF US WILL BE A LEADER TO OUR SELVES AND WE WILL ACT As ONE TO SHOW ALLIANCE THE WHOLE WORLD.

no negative comments.

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Are we going to buy a ticket? I’m still in the process of inquiring about it at Ayala Malls. The last time I called there, they told me that they don’t have the final schedule of events this March and whether there’s a ticket or free, it’s a first come first serve basis but usually, it’s free. As of to date, they have the final schedule. No more show at Greenbelt, it was moved to Market Market (Activity Center). All show starts at 6pm. I heard it at a certain radio station :D
whoo! it would be much better if it's for FREE! hahaha.. anyways, keep on updating us about the tickets coz i'll buy one.. heheheh
will there be ticket sales? oh man...i hope the album will be the ticket.... hehehehe
if only i could watch all shows for four straight days i would!!! but i've other things to do =(... i wish most of you guys will go to glorietta so i can meet a lot of alliance people there. basta ill be at glorietta and ill bring some peeps with me. =) too..i cant watch the whole 4 days..i can only watch on weekends..thats suck...buts okie for me:)....
why in market market? its too far from my home!
can't go to trinoma by myself....i haven't gone to trinoma ng walang kasama...hope my sister come with me..
i really want to see RJA live....

will there be any authograph signing after the show...?

- i called at Market Market and they said that they still don't have their next schedule of events.
- not a minute ago, i called at Glorietta. RJA will be there at March 07, Saturday at 6pm. But the mechanics aren't given yet by the admin, probably by next week we'll have it...
GRABEH HA... huwag na lang tayo magleader... masaya kung we will scream in the way we want and no leader will tell us what to do... beside we are all fans... RIGHT? hahaha... basta ako makita ko sila ng kumakanta sa personal masaya na ako... im a fan ehh...
Share lang... I was in Makati earlier today and I got really excited because I saw a RJA Manila tour banner/tarpaulin when I passed by Glorietta! I really wanted to take it home! Haha.

Maybe they (Ayala Malls) already have information about the event? I'll try to call them tomorrow, if I have the time...
- as i said yesterday, i called at Glorietta, they have the event but the mechanics are not yet given by the admin. it'll be advised by next week...
hey guys...just called at trinoma this morning and no one was answering the phone...i tried calling 5 times now but there was no one answering...

i saw in the news paper that RJA will still be performing at the ayala are the schedules (Alabang town center march 5 6:30pm,Market market march 6 6:00 pm,Glorietta march 7 6:00 pm,Trinoma march 8 6:00 pm)...

it's also written that we need to get stage passes to meet the band...i dontknow yet if how much the ticket costs...^^
i'll just call again later and i'll just inform you nlng ulit kung ano nangyari....









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