Ok if ronnie or anybody is reading this plz dont hesitate to reply..

Ive always been a fan of awesome bands doing their songs Acoustic[ly]? lol. so i was wantin your guys opinion of what Red Jumpsuit should do for their next acoustic song (if they do make one)

Personally i think they should either do "Pen and Paper" or "Pull Me Back"

What do you guys think??

RONNIE: if you are reading this then can u tell us some updates on any acoustic songs? Id really like to know. and if you're not workin on any i think it would be pretty cool if you guys did pen and paper. if you guys need the chords to it or anything just tell me cuz i have them saved on my comp. thanks

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whats that suppose to mean? lol
they do all of their songs acoustic. Thats how they come up with the notes and beats and how everything ties together. they all sit around with acoustic guitars and the bongos. he told us that at an acoustic show last year. also they had a cd with face down, your guardian angel, grim goodbye, damn regret , seventeen aint so sweet, and justify ... ALL ACOSUTIC. so just go to the next acoustic show which he said they are going to tour again with an acoustic set after the realease of the cd..probly the next tour when they finish the one they are on.
Best way to make music: EVER. I'm in an acoustic band now, and it's really the best way to go. You start with the foundations of harmony and notes, and just work your way up. Of course, RJA works their way WAY up, but that's another story :)
hhmmm, we'll find out



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Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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