Does anyone know why some songs dont make it to cd? All the songs ive heard that arnt on the cd are amazing....
Home Improvement, 20 Hour Drive, Kins & Carrol, Getting By, Angels Cry, Disconnected, Love Seat

I know there is room cuz you can put about 20/21 songs on a cd. i THINK for home improvement MAYBE because it says cigarettes, so they dont want to be portrayed like that or something? I dont know just a guess. but that song is one of my favorites, so how come these songs didnt make it?

also!! was ass shaker changed to in fates hands becuz of it saying ass? and i know that in fates hands was a band joey was in and i think elias.

why did they take out a lot of screaming in "ass shaker", face down, and grim goodbye, and call that untitled? A friend of mine who is in a band said they probly did, so that they had a better chance of being on the radio and tv, etc. but linkin park screams a lot on songs on the radio .. so how come not rja????!!!

if anyone knows any of these let me know, because ive always wondered and i figured if i cant ask rja this is the next best place... thanks!!

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branden, where are you from? do you live in florida or the jacksonville area? i think its weird that you say the acoustic show you went to know one knew the song home improvement.....a true rja fan knows all their songs...ones released and those that aren't. I live here in middleburg where they are from...just miles from where they practiced everyday and just a few miles from ronnie and staci(and duke since he lives with them). its pretty amazing. they are the coolest ppl that i have ever met. they are so down to earth and they really care about their fans. that is why they take so much time to talk with their fans and pose for pics at their shows. how many bands can you say actually take the time to get to know their fans on what is really a personal level.

my husband went to school and hung out with ronnies brother growing up. if you know one brother you know the other, so my husband and i have been following ronnie since before rja was ever formed( ronnie and randy used to have a band called dishonest....may be able to find some of the music on limewire or a sharing network like that if you are interested in hearing what they sounded like.) its crazy cause if my husband and i had never gotton together, i probably would not know rja the way that i do, or keep up with whats going on with the band. i have a lot of great memories of shows and some of the more recent memories i have experienced with ronnie and staci.
yea i live in florida...port charlotte, so i go to most of their shows in tampa or st pete...or olrando..but im making the drive to jacksonville for the release....and i didnt understand what your saying about a true rja fan knows all the songs? i do know them all i just wanted to hear that one...and a lot of ppl in the crowd didnt know home improvement ... i dont know why but only a few ppl were singing a long..but that doesnt mean that they dont like rja
Ya Grim Goodbye is untitled cuz it's a bonus song, so it just didnt get a title put on. I think things got changes simply because ass shaker was demo, now in fate's hands is cd. I saw what you said about home improvement and that reminded me of last night. RJA came to Cincinnati and I was lucky enough to get to hang out with the guys before the show and they showed us almost all of the new album, anyway I asked Ronnie if they would play any old stuff, and he was like maybe, but youll like it. Then he was with his acoustic and said "A kid came up to me before the show and asked if we'd play any old stuff, wherever you are this is for you" He played a bit of love seat an I was pumped lol. After words we were talking and he was like told you you'd like.
Ya it was on a cd... it just wasn't released because it was just a studio cd... and they weren't big enough at that point... to release it. You can find it online if you look really hard. Its pretty rare but it is on a cd... I've seen it.









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