Hey! As you all know, RJA's holding concerts in Manila this coming March. Hopefully, me and Vinny can go there and rock our heads off.

Unfortunately, there's been a very slight problem. Or a would be problem if some situations aren't met.

You see, we might not have a place to stay in Manila. Vinny's aunt didn't allow us to stay at her place and he's still talking with a few of his Manila buddies if they can let us stay at their place

Now I'm asking you as a fellow RJA fan. If and only if, all else fails. Can you guys let us stay at your place?

Heck, I know we're complete strangers and all but we are desperate fan boys that will do anything just to watch the concert.

So yeah, we're desperate and stuff. C''mon, show us some Filipino hospitality. :P

And if this doesn't work, we'll have to sleep at the airport or in cheap motels. The latter giving us a chance to get robbed, raped, killed, kidnapped. >_>

I'm paranoid.

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lol, id help u out.. being a fellow pinoy and all.. [plus a fellow cebuano too.. ^^] but the problem is im not in the philippines right now.. so.. wahaha.. getting robbed (maybe), raped (not likely), killed or kidnapped (lol, why?) and staying at the airport it is!! :D
i sure would like to help if i'm still living near trinoma...but... i now live very far from there.... and if i'm not living in my mom's house..... if i can ask some friends out here maybe we can help you.... let me ask everybody out here but i'm not promising....



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