Aren't these some times?
It's gotten bad, and it's been
Pressin’ on my mind
Got me feelin’ sad

But I know you know
That we could do more
But we just don't

Don't worry world
I feel your pain, and it’s a shame
My shoulders are hurt
And stressed from the pain

And I know you know
That you could do more
But you

And I still believe
That there is more love than hate
There's more heart than ache
And we are stuck in this great big world together

With a little bit of help from up above
And a sprinkling of love
We can break these chains
We will end these days

And I know you know
That you could do more
But you

And I still believe
That there is more love than hate
There's more heart than ache
And we are stuck in this great big world together

And I still believe
That there is a lot at stake, there's no time to wait
We can change the world if we try
We're gonna change it forever

You should join us
You, let it be you

Who will join us?
You, let it be you

And I still believe
That there is more love than hate
There's more heart than ache
And we are stuck in this great big world together

And I still believe
That there is a lot at stake
And there's no time to wait
We can change the world if we try
We're gonna change it forever

And I still believe
That there is more love than hate
There's more heart than ache
And we are stuck in this great big world together

And I still believe

Views: 96

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love it
i love how every song on the album is different
yea, pretty awesome,

2 weeks from today is going to be amazing.
your right shelly.....two weeks from today is defiately going to be amazing!! hope to see you there, which i am sure we will run into eachother...paula will be there too and i think sarah is coming as well!! how was hawaii?
yea, i'm sure i'll see you, hawaii was amazing, ready to go back already.
If I see you at freebirds 02/03/09 I will try to say hi and hugs because I still haven't met you yet. Hi! I plan on buying the CD there because I did not pre-order. Bye
how amazing......on what a day to hear this new song.....on a day in history in the making.....this song should have been played at the inagguration of the 44th president....its a lil ironic in a sense
thaks ;)
wow. it's great.
I love this song!
Save the earth!!!!
omg amazing!! im so excited for the new cd too!!!!

this is AWESOME!!!!









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