What has Red Jumpsuit done for you? How has their music had an effect on you? What did you feel meeting them for the first time, or what do you hope to feel meeting them? Personally, Red Jumpsuit has done so much for me--both my life and my musical career--but I'd like to hear a bit from you guys before I share my two-cents :)

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their music has saved my life, no exaggeration. i've never met them, although i hope to one day. it meant a lot to me though, when punkin told them about me, and that they were concerned, it makes me want to meet them more. i would probably ne overwhelmed if i met them, simply because i look up to them, because they prove to me, that not all men are evil.
That's definitely the number one thing I love and respect about the band; they don't act all high and mighty like so many other bands I've been disappointed with. When I see them at concerts, I don't just see another band that plays decent music, I see them as individuals because they see us as individuals; they make us feel just as much "rockstar" as they are themselves. I really don't know how to explain it, it's just an amazing feel and I'm sure when it comes you WILL be overwhelmed :), hanging out with Staci for an hour during one of their shows made me feel so special and me feel like I had written my book for a reason :). I hope they catch all the references to RJA when they read it!
:) ~Nick
you're really lucky to have met them. i don't know how they are, but what everyone tells me are that these guys are down to earth and they really do care about their fans, and that's really great, most bands forget where they come from and who made them in the first place. it's sad that i live 6000 plus miles away from them, separated by an ocean. i'm only 15, so i'll have a long while to wait before i can meet them, who knows, i'll probably make a fool of myself if i do :) what's the name of your book?



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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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