Mrs_jasper_cullen_fang's Comments

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At 7:15pm on February 21, 2008, maricris said…
So you're the school's weather girl huh?hehehe Hey just wanna tell you that I passed the NURSING LICENSURE EXAM which I took last dec 2007!! The results just came in yesterday, until now I'm still in shock.=) So how's school? How's the love thingy goin' on?=)
At 9:15pm on February 20, 2008, Vince said…
okay im exaggerating...but it is really hot here
At 9:15pm on February 20, 2008, Vince said…
i like cold weather...makes me crave coffee and relaxation, wow...we should switch places, i hate hot weather, warm is ok but geez you could get sunburn by just walking to the mall sometimes...
At 8:41pm on February 20, 2008, Vince said…
wow...i really wish they would stop school because of the HOTness-nesisity here lol....the moment you step outside is torture sometimes...and thank God its gonna rain today, i like the rain... lol
At 10:38pm on February 19, 2008, maricris said…
I'm not really sure what I'm getting myself
At 10:32am on February 19, 2008, Marie said…
hello! gotta send you a quick line, gotta run!!
At 1:51am on February 19, 2008, Vince said…
hey... whats new??
At 5:44am on February 17, 2008, maricris said…
aaaawwww...thank u for the hug. I'll be fine. Yah know an agency called modelo pilipinas from myspace was kinda interested in me and was engaging me to contact them, maybe I might try to do it. If I'm lucky i'll be modelling for printadds. haha
At 10:47am on February 16, 2008, Marie said…
hello! nice to meetcha!!!
At 4:37am on February 15, 2008, maricris said…
My dad is not a fan of social stuff not because he's not good at it but because he's tired of it.=) Anyway, would you believe that my bf and I just broke up like a few days ago?? No shit I had no date this valentine's I just found out that he cheated on me, but of course, some guys or most of the guys are really good at denying, he told me that they're only friends and he admitted that he was wrong about lying and that's just it.Sigh.. I'm still a bit confused... Let's just see how it goes...
At 8:51pm on February 14, 2008, Vince said…
the girl?? uhm...her names danielle...she be the cutest thing in this whole world.. :D
At 8:18pm on February 14, 2008, Vince said…
yea...happy valentines as well...sooooo....whos the lucky guy ur dating?? XD
At 3:42am on February 14, 2008, Vince said… topic...hey, if i can get into prolly can get into hot topic as well :D i feel, optimistic today :)
At 9:15pm on February 12, 2008, Vince said…
i work at a radio station here in cebu...its such a joy to make people go...ZOMGWTF!! hes 17!! lol...

u draw too?? SWEET....same here... check out one of my pics.. :D
At 1:48am on February 12, 2008, Vince said…
hmm..hobbies are the only thing keeping me busy these days...and my job too...

and people who dont recognize you as a girl...are blind :D
At 7:59am on February 11, 2008, Vince said…
and no doubt your a girl... :D
At 7:58am on February 11, 2008, Vince said…
At 5:25am on February 9, 2008, maricris said…
Well, needless to say I just came from my dad's bday celebration without my seems sad but not really. Confused?lol The thing is his pride got in his way so we end up celebrating without him...he doesn't like parties anyways. And of course I just had our 4 year anniversary with my boyfriend last feb 6. So obviously it was pretty much a not so dull week for me... How about you? What you've been up to lately?=)
At 2:44am on February 6, 2008, maricris said…
haha not much, still standing though.
At 11:17am on February 5, 2008, xxxMrs.EdwardCullenxxx said…
lol wtf?








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