Kanela's Comments

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At 7:13am on June 29, 2009, THEAWESOMEGREGDAWSON said…
Yes you are the one from FB, aren't you??:) Sun's pretty bad in Miami, but I sleep during the day, y'know?:)
At 8:29pm on June 28, 2009, THEAWESOMEGREGDAWSON said…
LOL!!! Thanks!:) How are you?:)
At 2:53pm on June 27, 2009, naomi. said…
yesterday was insane.. sarah and lewis made it EPIC. i will hold those memories near and dear for a long time...
but right now, i need to talk to you ASAP. about something that could change the WHOLE outcome of the next 2 months.
At 12:13am on June 26, 2009, AbbieNormal said…
Happy Birthday!!!!
At 6:32pm on June 25, 2009, hAYden. said…
hehe u seem like a SUPER sweet person. Just dont care what people think of you. Do like what I do just walk with your head held high and just be proud to be an RJA fan!!
At 4:54pm on June 25, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
I miss this monkey!!!!! we haven't talked for like ages!!!!! I miss our old days. when we first start to comment each other :( <3
i love youuuuuuuu little sis!!! don't ever forget that!!!!okay!!?!!?!?

take careeeeee!!!!!! love always!!!!<3333333333
At 5:31am on June 16, 2009, Teddy said…
Miss uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
sorry haven't been on 4 so long
stuff were goin on
hope to hear from ya soon..Luv ya <3
At 9:44am on May 31, 2009, Amrita said…
uh-huh, riiiiite.
i'm scaring myself with dis han solo - leia discussion, but wat d heck, if leia is damn fine, super sxi and oh so gorgeous can't really hold back the hormones now can i??

black hair....blue streaks, pierced ears, guyliner, cute lil grin, absolute tallness and funny mannerisms.
Put them all 2gether and u get Perfection. Obi-wan Kenobi cud suck salt XD
At 12:55am on May 31, 2009, Amrita said…
uh-huh..... kinky happy place........... o_O
yea adam!!!

han solo wants leia!!!!
XD (btw, i'm jokin, hmm, or am i????)
At 5:44am on May 29, 2009, kimmy said…
totally funky indeed ;P
well, one more stressful exam to go :D
woopee!!! *high level of sarcasm*
keep up ya school work ;p
At 12:57pm on May 28, 2009, Stephanie said…
Don't worry about it, I've been busy too.
So far so good, It's looking like it's going to be awesome, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed.
At 2:09am on May 24, 2009, kimmy said…
i love your background chickadee ;P
hope you are doing well.
At 9:10am on May 23, 2009, Stephanie said…
I know, I haven't been on here lately either.
Hmm.. well, right now I'm planning a benefit concert for a kids after school place that my church is starting, so that's going to be cool.
How 'bout you?
At 2:16am on May 20, 2009, Stephanie said…
Hey! I'm doing ok.
How are you?
I know, we haven't talked in forever.
At 7:43am on April 27, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
Yes! I know you're always here for me. no matter how far you are!
you know you can always tell me everything! i'm not here to judge you! i'm here to listen and try to help the best that I can.

I love you Kanela <33333
At 7:11am on April 26, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
Kanelly, it's okay, just take care. and always remember that I love you no matter what! and that someone is always thinking about you and cares about you on the other side of the world.

At 1:09pm on April 19, 2009, Amrita said…
yeah, but i'm pretty sure he has his gay follower, *shux*
he has ice blue eyes, they're just sooooo beautiful
At 1:00pm on April 19, 2009, Amrita said…
it totally sucks dat he is gay; i am soooooooooooooo jealous of dat stupid matt fella dat he hugged last week, but we, his fans dont care. pretty sure dat most of them would do him anyway if they got the chance
At 12:58pm on April 19, 2009, Lironster [RJA♥] said…
hehe yep! it was awesome ;]. yeah..it's kinda annoying , love.

yesssssss! you can come next year ^^ you'd be very well welcome :]

awwe..my Kanelly..whenever you feel alone, just listen to me, it's my voice, it's your monkey..there, with you,lol, like Plain white t's's song "Listen to my voice that's my disguise, i'm by your side.." no matter how far I am, you're always in my heart.

it's okay, I forgive you. but YOU gotta tell me what's going on with you.
oh yes, I had fun, and got some tan, hehe.

hehe i'm naughty and loveyy :D, you're not wicked :P

Love You! i'm your crazymonkeyyyyyyyy Mouhahahah XD

XOXO Sisters for ever and ever! <333333333333
At 12:47pm on April 19, 2009, Amrita said…
*mortified* they dont sing in pairs they sing by themselves, just 1 after the next.
he just needs to hurry up and win idol already so i can get his cd. he is my sxi vamp, and he can puton eyeliner better dan me!!!!!!


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