Kimberly Braulio's Comments

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At 7:03pm on January 29, 2011, Kimberlee Jayne Wyatt said…
Ooh what are you playing? Naw thank you :D
At 9:39am on January 23, 2011, Kimberlee Jayne Wyatt said…
Oh cool, oh a senior? thats exciting :)
At 8:10pm on January 16, 2011, Kimberlee Jayne Wyatt said…
lol yeah, definitely with all nick names people give you huh? Nah I work instead.
At 2:28am on January 16, 2011, Kimberlee Jayne Wyatt said…
Oh wow, thats alot of nick names lol ive only a few myself :P like Kim, Kimbo, Kimmy, Kimbaz thats it lol
At 8:42am on January 4, 2011, Kimberlee Jayne Wyatt said…
Thats a new nick name to me, ppl just call me kim or kimmy lol ppl rarely call me kimberlee lol
At 12:47am on January 3, 2011, AbbieNormal said…
aww, I guess I won't be able to go to the beach in your area then. =[
At 7:35pm on January 1, 2011, Kimberlee Jayne Wyatt said…
Oh I know hey, everybody tells me I look like am 18yr old lol Happy New Year :D
At 3:07am on January 1, 2011, Kimberlee Jayne Wyatt said…
Hey mine name is Kimberlee also, not much what are you up2?
At 11:19pm on December 29, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
hey there :) i'm trying to be good. gone back to cutting, just been lonely that's all.
At 12:34am on December 27, 2010, AbbieNormal said…
Thanks a ton for this! hopefully it'll work out. =]
At 3:05pm on December 25, 2010, AbbieNormal said…
Thanks for the suggestion! How close is it to the Leyte region? I'm gonna be working 40 hour weeks, but if I can get away one of the weekends, that'd be fun. =]
At 10:21pm on October 19, 2010, Brie S. said…
Aww, thanks. How've you been lately?? Haven't been on lately. With school started, there's so much to do!!
At 12:04am on October 19, 2010, Oliviasmommy <3 said…
sorry i ttok so long too im having a girl im naming her Olivia was my dads idea i love it
At 8:44pm on August 12, 2010, Oliviasmommy <3 said…
bout 4 months pregnant and happier then ever cant wait
At 2:35pm on July 29, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
omw... I'm getting married...
At 2:14pm on July 20, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
:/ sorry.... if I could help I would lol
At 12:44pm on July 17, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
aaah why's that?
At 3:42pm on July 15, 2010, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
well dad lost his so dad and my bf are meeting, lol.
At 9:48am on June 5, 2010, Brie S. said…
Yeah, escpecially when you have Mr. Smith as a science teacher. It all goes downhill from there. He's a naturalist, which I have no issues with, excpet for the fact that he's trying to drill into our minds that if we aren't living the same eco-friendly life that he is, we're stupid. We're killing ourselves slowly. He sickens me, to be perfectly honest. But there's only two days of school left, then I never have to look at him again. I mean, he's so rude, too! When his old students knock on his door to say hi, he slams the door in their faces! And he screams and cusses, too. I think he just needs to retire already. He says this is his last year, so I;m hoping he means it so my poor little sister won't have to endure that next year.
-Brie :)
At 4:26pm on June 2, 2010, Brie S. said…
Yeah, but it doesn't feel that long.
OMG!!! I'm typically such a nerdy goody-two-shoes when it comes to school, but I did something bad today. I skipped my last class period! I'm still in shock. I had two reasons, none of which were really good ones but:
1. My friend was upset about something her boyfriend did and she wanted to skip last period.
2. I was preassigned and I didn't want to have to sit through another hour of science.

See? Sucky reasons. But it wasn't that bad. It was just scared because I kept thinking we were going to get caught...









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