Ajay parihar's Comments

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At 11:04am on January 4, 2010, alberto gerardo alero alizo said…
wenaz men
At 8:03pm on October 27, 2009, Alana said…
yup!! :D
At 6:35pm on October 26, 2009, AbbieNormal said…
That sounds really cool! =] Best of luck to you. Anything I can do to help spread it, just tell me.
Yes, you presume correctly.
You take care too.
At 6:19pm on October 25, 2009, AbbieNormal said…
That's amazing! I've always wanted to do something like that, but I lack some necessary talents... What kind of clothing do you design?
eh, nothing really. I'm a highschool student, so I'm kept busy by lots of homework...unfortunately....
At 6:42pm on October 24, 2009, Alana said…
not much here!! :P
At 12:58am on October 24, 2009, AbbieNormal said…
Hey there. I don't see why not. =] What's up?
At 1:18pm on October 23, 2009, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
thanks that helps a lot =]
At 4:21pm on October 22, 2009, Alana said…
im good wbu?
At 12:35pm on October 22, 2009, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
no i don't..i dont ever know what i'm going to do with the rest of my life XD lol =] and beside's i dont wana be a modle but every one think's i should be!!! what i really want to do is sing. well lugz ya byes =]
At 10:45am on October 20, 2009, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
oops srry i only ment one ''good'' lol
At 10:45am on October 20, 2009, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
well lol it seems for me fashion is easy,,my reall name is Lauren, i'm out of work right now, lol do you need a modle??!! lol every one in my family say's i need to be a modle but there soo skiny!!!!! urh my dad just left to go to work over sea's..it sucks..i've tryd to come up with soom fashion things but for now it sucks Xo do you need to draw good good? well lugz ya byes =]
At 12:35pm on October 19, 2009, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
FASHION?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hay once i wanted to do that =]...lucky...


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Questions....=) 116 Replies

Started by JennX in Uncategorized. Last reply by Tim Dill-Peterson Mar 25, 2019.

5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

Started by Megan (34,725 miles for RJA) in Uncategorized. Last reply by rjasnumberonefan Jul 3, 2014.

Lets play a game 418 Replies

Started by Kelly in Uncategorized. Last reply by GothicBoy☣ Jan 17, 2016.

Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.

Hello! n_n 48 Replies

Started by Gilberto The Creator in Uncategorized. Last reply by Gilberto The Creator Mar 7, 2014.

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