Just_A_Face's Comments

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At 2:30pm on October 4, 2011, Calista MacGregor said…
At 1:09pm on August 24, 2010, Tisha said…
Maybe you'll be on again and will catch this message. Miss you more than words can say, but hopefully we'll have a little reunion at the School of Rock? I hope so.
At 11:47pm on April 26, 2010, Samantha-Lynn said…
Hiya Staci! I was just wondering if you guys where going to re-schdual the El mocombo show in Toronto? Hope you do! miss you guys!!!
At 12:52am on January 26, 2010, Punkin' said…
At 2:14pm on December 26, 2009, Nick ☮ said…
Hey Staci, I just got on for the first time in a couple months and I wanted to say hello and that I missed you very much. I hope the road is treating you well, and I can't wait until I see you guys.
At 10:08pm on November 21, 2009, Punkin' said…
Hi lovie,
It was great to see you last night! I love you very much!
Love always,
At 9:37pm on October 23, 2009, naomi. gave Just_A_Face a gift
a pretty pink ribbon for you :D
At 11:58pm on September 26, 2009, samantha sears said…

hey staci its samantha ( josh fiance) well just wanted to say hey long time since i wrote u..hope all is well. i finally had eric he was 7lbs 3 oz 21 1/4 long he looks just like his daddy..well ttyl heres a pic of him and one of nevaeh...
At 12:01pm on July 20, 2009, Punkin' said…

Awww I love this picture =) IT's always fun hanging out with you and it was good seeing you. Thanks for always being so awesome to me...I can't wait til the next time. Until then... Love you!! ~Punkin!
At 5:06pm on July 18, 2009, AbbieNormal said…
Hey Staci! It was awesome meeting you last night at the Hampton Beach show. I was that girl with the duct tape hat. =p Thanks for signing it btw. It was really awesome meeting you though. Hopefully I'll be going to another RJA show at some point, and will have sharpies that work on the duct tape hat. XD
At 4:28pm on July 13, 2009, Mari said…
Hi I really like your pics
At 1:36pm on July 3, 2009, Marie said…
Hi how are you?!
Have an awesome fourth of july weekend!!!
At 5:58am on July 2, 2009, roana gonzales said…
At 7:46am on June 28, 2009, ming2x said…
hi Staci!.. i just wanted to ask what is your maiden name because my sister is asking me about this.. i dont even know why.. im sorry if i bother you..

thank you so much..
and i love you and the RJA..
At 12:51am on June 26, 2009, jade said…
eya there staci,,i just wanna know if ever i'll be purchasing the white wings hoodie jacket for women,,will the freight expense be charge on me??coz i'm right here in manila philippines and the hoodie cost around 2200 converted in peso,,,i have the money for the hoodie but i'm wondering if i'll have to pay for the freight..?

coz when you guys had a tour here,,i've only seen t-shirts and stickers..!^_^
At 7:36pm on June 23, 2009, Lulu(is lost in her head) said…
Hi Staci! im a big fane of the RJA..you must be tierd of hearning this but you husband is HOT!!!!!!!!! im sorry if i afind but when i first saw the vid for you beter pray i waz think wow! but i got to say,i could not deal with the stress of being on the road so much;)! i hope youll make sure that Ronnie keeps rocking!
At 4:46am on June 23, 2009, sheila said…
im good...how are you and the rest of the band?
At 3:36am on June 16, 2009, nADz XD said…
Staci, you made my heart skip a beat there.
you liked it? WOW! Thank you sooo much. I'm ecstatic. :D
Oh no, i couldn't sell it to you. I have a whole sketchbook dedicated to the band and i was planning to send it to you the moment i filled every page. So, i'm giving it to you for free. ;]
Is it possible for me to get your mailing address?
Thanks Staci. :)
At 11:02pm on May 29, 2009, Punkin' said…

I love this picture of you. hahah I was totally not ready for that picture. But this is a very pretty pic of you=)
At 12:54am on May 27, 2009, Samantha-Lynn said…
Hey Staci!!! How are you doing?
When you guys making you way up to Toronto? We are still patiently waiting and cant wait to see you guys!
Miss ya,


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Questions....=) 116 Replies

Started by JennX in Uncategorized. Last reply by Tim Dill-Peterson Mar 25, 2019.

5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

Started by Megan (34,725 miles for RJA) in Uncategorized. Last reply by rjasnumberonefan Jul 3, 2014.

Lets play a game 418 Replies

Started by Kelly in Uncategorized. Last reply by GothicBoy☣ Jan 17, 2016.

Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.

Hello! n_n 48 Replies

Started by Gilberto The Creator in Uncategorized. Last reply by Gilberto The Creator Mar 7, 2014.

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