So it came, March 5th. Arthur knocked on my bedroom door to wake me up cuz the alarm on my cellphone wasnt enough even though it was set on max volume.

I hurried to the bathroom to take a quick shower and change for our trip to manila.

Its my first time flying and seeing the redjumpsuit, so whats not to be excited about?
So my dad took us to the airport and gave me a last minute instruction on what to do when i arrive in manila.

when i the plane finally took off, Arthur was laughin his ass off cuz the child in me surfaced and went all "WHOAAA DUDE!"
its like something is pulling me back, but its cool like that. i had fun, and i was noisy.

March 5th 6:00am we finally arrived in Ninoy Aquino International Airport and we are excited as hell.

After a good rest my cousin arrived from school and took us to the first venue of the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus mall tour, The Alabang Town Center.

I frantically looked for any sign of Ronnie and Staci.
it was not until the end of the show that i got to talk to Mrs.Rockstar.

So anyway, when the show started, everyone went wild, the mall was packed, everyone screamed including me.

Since the guys were in a hurry cuz the mall was about to close, Staci told me to go to the MarketMarket show.
And i did. and i was not dissapointed.

because when i got there, Staci gave me the hallowed pass that could get me backstage.

When i did get backstage, all i did was stare at the band for 5 seconds then started talking.
the crazy kid inside me kinda disappeared for a moment because of the sheer nervousness, but that changed in a while.

Matt was uber friendly
Joey was enjoying his noodles
Duke was playing with the beachball
Jon was busy hitting the sofa with his drumsticks
Nate was busy being Nate
Casey was just there sitting and being awesome

Me and Ronnie for some reason ended up talking about flying and i told him how i loved flying and he said he hated it.
Ronnie said that there was that one flight he was on that almost crashed because of engine failure, but the crew managed to get the engine working again so yea, what a fuckin relief.
"if i was there, id prolly shit my pants man." was my immediate reply.

before i could talk more and like share my experiences and all that, nate came in and told the guys they had 8 minutes left before showtime.

so i had the radio station call me to get a short interview with Ronnie before they went on stage. (Ronnie said that Joey could do it, but Joey was eating noodles :D)

so with that done, SHOWTIME!
i got my cousin and Arthur at the front row cuz of the ID Staci gave me (THANK YOU STACI! :D)

we were havin a good time, Matt kept giving us that grin that sez "yeaa, Rock on dudes" cuz we were holding up the alliance symbol.
Ronnie saw it and came near us and gave me a brofist.

But what really made my night is the thing that happened before the last song.
Ronnie was getting ready for the last song when he said

"You guys know this song? *strums the guitar and the crowd goes wild*"
"Im sending this out to a good friend of mine, hes over there (points to me) his name is Vince"
"He's one of our biggest fans"
*starts the YGA intro*
"this is for you buddy"

that made my whole month. lol and im not even joking

The Red Jumpsuit Experience, its one of the most unforgettable experience in my seriously, it was an awesome show by an awesome band. nuff said.

wanna thank
Ronnie for bein a good friend
Staci for being awesome and taking time talking to me and helping me get in
Jon for the drumstick :D imma put it on mah wall just like you said
Matt for bein really friendly
Casey for bein awesome and inviting me back to the rest of the mall tours (sadly i cant change my flight schedulez, sucks)
Nate for taking that picture with me and duke and remembering who i am. you awesome mangggg
Joey for talking to karen on the phone lol :D and workin that bass guitar
Duke for taking that pic with me and doin that little song after cat and charlie chaplin anyone? :D

once again, big thanks to the Redjumpsuit for being the awesome persons that they are and i hope to see u guys again soon :D

-vince :D

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Comment by rjasnumberonefan on March 12, 2009 at 10:38am
RJA knows dedicated fans and will go out of their way to make sure to let you know you are appreciated. All of them...boys, crew, Staci...have the kindest hearts in all of the rock world. Thanks for being such an amazing Alliance member.

I Pledge Allegiance to The Alliance.

Comment by Ave on March 10, 2009 at 3:57am
wow... you're soo lucky dude!
Comment by King on March 10, 2009 at 12:31am
Lol, I was in a state of shock when Ronnie did that. It was seriously awesome. Happy for you man, and I'll gladly come with you next time when tour the PH again.
Comment by kanela on March 9, 2009 at 3:58pm
omg.........haha im sooooooo happy for u!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by Samantha-Lynn on March 9, 2009 at 12:52pm
Aw Im so happy you had so much fun and that it all worked out!! You rock Vince and you deserved it!! :D








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5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

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Lets play a game 418 Replies

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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

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Hello! n_n 48 Replies

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