omg i had yet another fucked up dream again last night except in this dream (ok i better explain this first that will make it easier to understand i have 5 siblings one half sister Mary 25 who ive only seen twice in my life. so she doesn't t count and wasn't in the dream. Heather my older sister wasn't in the dream shes 23 im 21. my younger sister Hilary who was in the dream with me is 19 my sister Lindsey who was in the dream too is 18. and my little brother Tommy who is now 16. was there too.) at this point in this dream. i was 7 Hilary was 6 Lindsey was 5 and Tommy was 3.
and in the middle of the night my mom takes us to the beach in the middle of the night. in a snowstorm. and as all four of us freeze to death. my mom hysterically laughs at us. Fucked up huh? Geeze

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Comment by Oliviasmommy <3 on January 5, 2010 at 8:09pm
idk my brother has autism so that would be kinda weird
Comment by Lulu(is lost in her head) on January 5, 2010 at 7:43pm
..what dose Tommy look like =B? is he hott? ok..yeah sorry for asking..but that means you have problems with your mom. just ask me how i know this.








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