November 1st, 2008 = The Best Day Of My Life.

On this date I went to The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus concert at Vinoy Park in Saint Petersburg, Florida.

I woke up, And I was all alone going to the show. All My friends had other friends and to be honest, I wasn't so thrilled about going to a big show alone. However, The minute I got there, I became so stoked.

I stood around by myself for quite a while just watching the battle of the bands on the main stage. Then, Eric Best, from Rude Squad, and I have a great conversation. So I wind up walking around and spending about two hours with Rude Squad. Great, funny, epic, conversation there.

Me and Eric were standing in the shade watching a band play on the Signifiant Records Stage. All of a sudden, Joey Westwood, From The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, come us behind us and watches as well. He is less then ten feet away from me and I was debating in my mind whether or not to give him the journal right then and there. (For those of you who don't know: I made them a journal with personal letters and thoughts on many pages)

After five minutes of listening and me going psycho in my head, Joey walks away down the sidewalk. I decided that I might as well give it to him because at that point in time, I didn't know if I would see any other members of the band the rest of the day.

So, I followed him down this sidewalk, where no one happened to be and I called out to him. He turned around and we had one of the nicest conversations I could of ever had. After, I gave him the journal to share with the rest of the band, and after we took a picture, and after we had an amazing hug. We said goodbye and walked opposite ways down the sidewalk.

I was so happy that I met him, for the first time, I called Morgan, Brittany, and Haley.

As I was walking to get a drink, I saw Joey sitting on a bench, with no one around at all, reading the journal. I was so happy to know that he read it, That's all I wanted.

After I got my drink, I met up with Fro. As usual he was mean to me and I didn't have that great a time with him. We watched Speak Out! and Rude Squad play. They were both great bands to watch.

Once they Rude Squad finished their set, I went back over to the main stage. I thought I better get my spot in the front before anyone else takes it. As I was walking over, It starts to rain. Of corse like Florida, it rains for five minutes and then it stops. But when it rained, I went right up to the stage and got front center. The stage blocked the rain so it was perfect. I stayed there the rest of the night until the music was over. I met some great people and I made friends with the security guard.

Whole Wheat Bread finally came on at about 7:45 and it got me so ready to see Red Jumpsuit. WWB was very good actually. They were fun to watch and sing along too.

Once Whole Wheat Bread was done playing, It took about an hour to get Red Jumpsuit out on the stage. Maybe for dramatics? I don't know, Haha. But anyways. When they finally came out and started playing, I realized that Elias Reidy was not there. I don't know why, But it mad me sad :(. But really, I was having the best time of my life. I was screaming every word and dancing and just feeling amazing, all because of one band. I cannot describe how happy I was, How happy I still am.

The set was amazing. They played the songs, In order:
You Better Pray
In Fate's Hands
False Pretense
Damn Regret
Pen and Paper
Your Guardian Angel
Face Down
And of corse for the final song, The Grim Goodbye.

I sung every single word to every song as loud as I could. It was completely amazing. When the last song ended, The security guard that I made friends with grabbed me a set list and gave it to me. He knew how much I love TRJA from our previous conversation earlier that day.

After their set was over, They hung out over by their merch tent. I first went to Joey, and he was completely surrounded by people. So I noticed that Duke was standing right behind me, Haha. So I went to him. I first had him sign the set list. And as he was signing his name, I asked him if he read the journal. He flipped out and was like "That was you!?!?" And I laughed and we continued talking about it. Me explaining the meaning behind it and him trying to thank me for it. After our conversation, I got a picture and a big hug :D

Again, I tried to talk to Joey, But he was still surrounded so I went to Jon. He was just sitting on a table staring in the blue. I went up and the first thing I said was 'Did you read it?' and he didn't know what I was talking about, Haha. I explained and he was still confused. He and Joey both thought I was someone else. So continuing in our conversation. I told him what the journal was about. And because of how lame I am, I started to cry in mid-sentence. He grabbed me and gave me the biggest hug I've ever gotten. We continued to talk about it and he was so shocked. He was so eager to read the journal. He gave me his word that the first thing he would do when he got on the bus was to read it. The conversation continued and again we got on the topic of the meaning behind the journal. I started to cry again, Again he hugged me. As he was saying something, a bunch of people inturpted and asked for autographs and pictures. He said hold on just a minute, and I did. While Jon was busy, I wound up talking to Staci Winter, Ronnie's wife. We talked about Warped Tour and the bracelet she gave me at Warped. Jon was finally ready to talk again. So here we are, having the most heart to heart conversation and again, I started to cry. And of corse, He hugged me again. Staci jumped in and was like "Jon take a picture with her" so we did.

Finally, I got to talk to Joey. I asked him if he read it aswell, Which was silly because I saw him read it XD. He said that it was one of the most amazing things anyone has ever given him. And that made me melt. I completely felt so much more love for the band. Earlier that day, When I first gave him the journal, He was confused on whether or not to give it back to me, or to keep it. I told him the choice was up to the band. So when we were talking after the show, He said he made up his decision. They, as a band, decided to take the journal, Put their notes and things in it, And they are going to give it back to me. It made me quite happy.

Before going up to Ronnie, I randomly ran up to Jon, he was standing alone, and I said "Happy Late Birthday!" and gave him another big hug.

Then, I went up to Ronnie, I asked him too, if he read it. And just like Duke, He flipped out and said "That was you!?!" and I went on trying to explain it, but the security guards were chasing me out and him to his bus. He is the sweetest man on the planet, I swear. After about five minutes of chatting with him, I asked for a picture. He said yes and we got one. Then he randomly hugged me. The guy who had my camera snapped a picture of that which made me completely happy. He asked for my Alliance Username and said he was going to message me, I'm so nervous to check my account.

Overall, The day was amazing.
I am completely happy and I will be for quite a long time.
I look up to those boys more than ever now.
And I even though I really missed Elias, It was still the best day of my life.

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Comment by rjasnumberonefan on November 5, 2008 at 9:30pm
That was you? My daughter (Megan 34,725 miles for RJA), another friend (HotRodJess) and I were sitting near the sidewalk and we were doing a commentary of your visit with Joey. LOL Seriously...we were like---oh, some fan has spotted Joey---she's going in---hmmm, looks like she gave him a book---*then after he walks off*...Oh, how cute---you know she's calling her friend saying "guess who I just met!" lol
Do you remember seeing us? Jess is the one in the wheelchair. She's an easy target to see. hehehe
I am such a softy when it comes to watching the fans interact with the guys. I love it :) We've been fans for so long that they seem like normal people to us. It's fun to remember just how huge they have become and see that there are people like yourself that consider it the best day of their life.
Thanks for sharing your memories with us fellow Alliance friends. We all know just how you feel :) Make sure to say HI if you see us at another show.
Comment by xent on November 5, 2008 at 5:48am so cool to be you!!..ah:-(...i wish if they were going in here..i wish i can take a pic of them laso:-( i wish








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