Hey guys Jaxx here!

I've realized that bloging about thoughts actual help me understand a lot more things :]

So her I go again on yet another thought rant with a question for you guys which I might as well end up answering in the end.

I have realized in the last couple days that no one seems to care about anything. I find it quite hard to see that on one cares about anything. But people do. People have given up on hope in so many ways on so many things to the point were they just don't care about anything. Is it because our society has become so bad that the best thing to do for our mental health is not to care, or that we've just given up faith and hope all together? Is it because some people could be possibly so up set that the best thing to do is to not talk about it so the alternative answer would be to say "I don''t care" just to keep us from having an emotion break down. If that's the reason I find it quite sad to see that no one can trust anyone to talk to anymore. Maybe thats why the world is some what falling apart bit by bit. No one has no one to trust anymore. Or if they do the person stabs you right in the back. Maybe thats why there so much violence in this world, so many feeling bottled up because people are afraid to talk.

when you look at it everything's based off of trust along with a lot of other things.

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Comment by Lulu(is lost in her head) on February 28, 2010 at 5:38pm
one thing is for sure...
anyone can trust a person like you =] and if you need some one to trust then i'm here for you =]


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