well.. funny but earlier today my sister was smiling and telling me I must of been in a pretty good mood coz when I woke up, I was singing..parts of the song, but it was not the last song that i listened to.. maybe its not last song syndrome.. the catchy melody has somehow attached itself to a corner of my brain. In my idle moments, the song started playing in my head.

i kept on singing pen and paper.. oh gosh! I'm singing it again.. hahaha!..
It is stocked on my head, my ears.. and even in my dreams, some people call LSS.. "earworms"..
i remember "umbrella" (ella ella eh eh) hahaha! sensation.. it's happening to me right now..

I just did it unconsciously...
oh men! I even tried banging my head on the wall, but after i regained my consciousness i realized that it is still playing in my head (no that's a joke, the banging my head on the wall part.. haha!)

You like the way the people stare at you now
You look so fake, just thought that you should know
And you're all the same and when the curtain drops down
You'll be replaced by something typical.

I'm singing it again..

maybe i should spread the disease (disease?).. maybe the others experienced it already with the rja songs..

I'm still singing.. haha!

It's a good feeling though..


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Comment by Lulu(is lost in her head) on July 15, 2009 at 10:51am
lol wow epic!!! lol


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