its been a while since my last REAL blog

anyway, for those who dont know...yesterday (January 18,2009) was the sinulog festival here in cebu, its one of the biggest and fun-nest festival in all of the philippines. Its filled with celebrities on floats (i got to see the beautiful face of Anne Curtis, and KC Conception..YAY!!! ) and the parade dancers...and of course, tourists. Yesterday was filled with work for me to do as i had to do my job on a live location...we were broadcasting at the entrance of a mall in cebu. I was hosting my (radio)show, and i was literally hosting a little game we had for a crowd. After my work, i went with my friends to hang out and just have some fun after a long day's work...

When i got home, my parents were all welcoming cuz i brought my friends and my friend's mom with me cuz i told them to tag along cuz my mom prepared a buffet to celebrate the festival (she always does every year). It went on smoothly, then my friend and her mom decided to leave cuz it was getting late, so they did. I was supposed to tell the rest of the gang that imma head to bed...but all my neighbors were partying and the noise they made felt like it was new year again, making it hard for me to sleep. Everyone was partying in my neighborhood including my brother and my parents. One of my friends suggested we go out and have a couple of drinks since everyone was on a festive mood..and so i went to ask my mom for permission (im legal and im still doing this, i know, wtf?). When i did she was hesitant to say yes and we had to go into a little argument and then she gave me conditions. She was like "are you gonna sleep here tonight? cuz if ur not then im just gonna lock the front door", Arthur (my best bud) said that me and the rest of the gang could stay at his house for the night. I told my mom what Arthur told me and i could see the distrust in her eyes. My dad was ok with it or so i thought. Anyway, i went out with them following my mom's coniditions...we had a good time, we headed to Arthur's place a bit tipsy and we stayed there until like 3pm the next day. My dad called up and asked me where the hell i was and my reply was "im still at arthur's place, were watchin a movie, dont worry i already ate, ill be home soon" and then he put down the fone. 3pm striked and i headed home, but when i got there my parents made me feel like im the worst son in the course of history.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU SLEEP THERE? I DONT WANT YOU TO SLEEP IN SOMEONE ELSE'S HOUSE EVER AGAIN!" were the exact words of my dad. Apparently im in a Lose - Lose situation. Because everytime i would come home late (which doesnt happen often) i would knock on the door and wake them up and when they do wake up and open the door, i am faced with this "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN? DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?". The thing is, most of the time i come home late is cuz of work and im still getting eaten by my parents.

I just do not get my parents mom sees my friends like a lightning rod, she thinks that when i hang out with them, particularly at night i might get shot or killed cuz she thinks that people might think we're in a gang or something...
im like "mom, i dont even look like im gangstah lol" but still she insists on what she thinks. They are ok with me drinking, but whenever im out with my friends be it at day or night, they just go BALLISTIC which is ridiculous.

They got so used to me being a loner and staying in the house 24/7 that they dont even trust my closest friends which i made in junior high. And its sad that i finally found true friends and my parents deprive me from them.

P.S. - even when i was still a homebody id still get treated like shit by just watching the tv. my mom would go "stop that, did you see our electric bill?" and im like "im just watchin tv lol, what the heck am i supposed to do? stare at blank space?"

sometimes i just dont get it.
just my 2 cents

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Comment by Vince on January 21, 2009 at 6:33pm
lol i am?
Comment by Nick ☮ on January 20, 2009 at 10:58am
Two words, Vince: "Parents"
that about sums it up :)
Move out :), that's really the only thing that ever works.
:) And I know you're a gangstah ;] don't deny it!
Comment by Nino on January 19, 2009 at 10:29pm
oh gosh....i know EXACTLY how you feel vince. i just dont get how they tell you one thing and then another. i get pissed when that happens. i had this friend who sat at home alot, so his parents sadi for him to get out and do something. he went out, got some jobs and starting participating in school more often. then they were complaining about him always being out and doing stuff and not being at home. gosh its so annoying! dont worry ninja. you are a great person....dont let anyone bring you down like that, friends and much more are important. stay the same vince. :)
Comment by kanela on January 19, 2009 at 2:43pm
oh, i know the feeling big bro. parents just like to have us under their microscope, they contradict themselves, saying one thing and then telling you something else the next minute. and they know how to play the guilt card, to make you feel terrible about something. i don't get them either








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