omg after about 4 hours of screaming at my freaking cats beefer (lol) love that name and beanie (long story) i finally fell a sleep and now i can t remember what i freaking dreamt (SP?) about lmao shit ohh well omg and this morning i went on a cleaning tirade sp? and found my green cerebral palsy ribbon (lost it for like weeks) but finally found it in the bathroom. ohh and i do get to see new moon tonight (fucking snow storm that prevented me from seeing it last night damn) lmao sorry kinda hyper at the moment need to eat. hungry (MUST EAT FOOD SOON SAYS THE HYPER BIPOLAR MONSTER AT THE COMPUTER IN THE KITCHEN) lmao im bored anyway where was i ohh yeah cleaning i went on a cleaning tirade this morning and cleaned the bathroom and did a shit ton of laundry for my dad god damn wish my sister Lindsey would get off her duff and help me geez and after that i had to help my daddy with the freaking snow blower (snowblower) lol sorry had a moment there anyway had to bring this huge freaking orange extension cord out side in like 2 feet of snow burr that was cold sorry there's not much more to talk about mainly because i ahve the most boring life ever.

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Comment by Oliviasmommy <3 on January 3, 2010 at 1:45pm
Comment by Lulu(is lost in her head) on January 3, 2010 at 1:30pm
lol i've done something like that.....








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