hello,its 9:00am on monday the 7th and i can barley type.
i got stabbed with an army knife in the back of my dads big brown monster truck!
literally, i didnt feel anything for at least 5-to-10 seconds.
then i felt something looked at my wrist then saw the whole blade in my wrist.i jumped out off truck and i tried to pull it out but it would nudge so i screamed 'dad,dad ig ot knife in me ouchhh"
so he yanked it out and ripped his shirt off and wrapped it around my wrist.
i had my whole wrist wrapped and above my head i jumped out of my uncles truck and got in moms car but i was like"what car is this,who is this car belong too"but i just got my brother to pull down the chair so i could lay back but still be comfy and have wrist above heart.
oh, we waited in ER for two whole hours and they wouldn't take me in cuz my wrist wasn't sqkirting out blood. it was bullsh*t. So,my dad just told me to come home and he would deal with it.
and my wrist hurts so bad, i can barley write or type with it...
so g2g got to clean cut again


(tator tot)

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Comment by Niki on January 27, 2008 at 7:22pm
so how are you doing now hon?
Comment by Craigory™ on January 8, 2008 at 8:31pm
That is, well, unfortunate
Comment by Craigory™ on January 8, 2008 at 8:31pm
That is, well, unfortunate
Comment by Jessalynn on January 8, 2008 at 7:48pm
ER is a bunch of bullshit. I split my head open when I was 3 or 4 years old and got rushed to ER. We sat in the waiting room for an hour+ with my head bleeding all over the place. pft. dumb hospitals. Hope you'll be ok!
Comment by Ana on January 7, 2008 at 2:11pm
whoaaa thats nuts! im so sorry i thought i had it bad cuz i got a cyst =/ but u have it worse!!! hope u feel better


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