Have you ever....
1.) loved someone so much that you canexplain but not in words.?

2.)loved someone enough that you know they will break ur heart you go out with them anyway to see if they have changed?

3.)given everything you could to the one you love?

4.)realized its easy for you to fall back into someones arms but hard to escape them?

i need to know im not the only one with these thing srunning inside of me,i need to know im not the only one who hates to say goodbye
i hate goodbyes very terribly
I LOVE A PERSON so much that i know she has broken me down to a piont were i cant handle it but im getting through it all so easy
and very slowly
but i just wish she wouldn't do the things she did if she diddnt want me too or if she knew it would end the way it did.
why let someone who loves you fall more in love with you when you know how to get her break open and tell you anything and then just tear her doen???
i dont understand life no more,last night i felt so bad i wanted to throw up, i wanted to cut myself ,i wnated to die,i really did on the inside
but that is how she made me feel.....
i dont fell anybetter...

well cmmt me or msg me if you have ever felt the same way...

(tator tot)

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Comment by Fe on January 5, 2008 at 3:37pm
Yeah I'm in a similar situation now.. you're not alone.
Comment by jon on January 5, 2008 at 11:25am
yes i have felt that way before


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