My morning sucked so much ass... i had to write about it...

This is all the shit that went wrong this morning.....

  1. I woke up
  2. Walked outside to find my guitar outside (way way stupid cuz the cold and the morning due fucked up the wood and metal niknaks)
  3. Walked to the front house and stepped in dog shit.
  4. Looked in the fridge to find no Leche (milk)
  5. Also no OJ
  6. No ingredients to make any kind of breakfast
  8. Turn on my lappytop (which didnt turn on by the by) and find out that my battery was drained
  9. Look at my emails and see that i have none (no one loves me =( lol)
  10. went to brush my teethies, and no toothpaste...
  11. jumped in the shower and no conditioner

this is the worst..... kinda.... of them all

  • My being in the shower somehow convinced a young woman to rush into the bathroom without a knock nor notification of her intruding in my getting clean time. SO the door whoops open and she begins to relieve herself of her bodily fluids and notices my being in the shower some halfway through her little adventure... Im just kinda standin there... theres no place i could really hide so yeah... i was just kinda... exposed if you will (which would happen to be a huge understatement). She sees me clear as glass, only because the doors to the shower are made up of clear ass glass, and they always insist on having the glass super crystal clear with non of that lime or calcium build up substance. So im standin there.... naked.... buk ass naked.... and i says to her i says... "Good Morning" and give her a salute (force of habit). She appologizes and has the nerve to begin to converse with me.. She finishes up her lil escapade, and then stands on the other side of the glass just blabbering on about why she is in my house and that shes a friend of my sister in law... and how she came to pick her up for school.... and that she drives a jetta... and the whole time she is talkin im just kinda standin there... with warm water and steam and naked... and finally it just kinda hit me to tell her to get out of the bathroom.... and so she did.... and low-and-be-hold as i exit the restroom when all squeecky ca-leen... shes like right next to the bathroom door. Scary.... very scary...

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Comment by kimmy on April 2, 2009 at 2:09am
just poking around at some blogs and i found this and i must say that...what can i say? well...uuuummmmm...i'm glad the glass in my shower is special blurry glass...and...THAT IS WIIIIEEERRRDDD!!!
Comment by Lironster [RJA♥] on February 27, 2009 at 2:15pm
oh boy. that's a pretty weird morning.








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