theres only one way ur gonna be happy and thats constantly

or u can say it thisa way. the one way ur gonna be you is by being it constantly.

lolllli have to put that seriously Love/the Universe works in the greatest ways, im amused.

so i had this image in my head. an image okay, and so it was an image of a completely joyous time! it was like with ppl and it was a scene lemme tel you(it was inspired by love ive seen before)but so i had this thought and heres what i found!!! : to be able to see that in any pictoral view. So i imagined a situation(so u think of, welll heres the thing, yu have thought of it b4!)(either youve lived it, live it or thought td be nice. -thats heaven. and you can be this and feel comfortable BEING IN ANY SITUATION. COMES IN ANY SHAPE< FORM< COLOR_SO ITS NOT JUST ONE WAY. so im going to write now that Life is seriously um this awakend life is all the time. and you cant realy write it al down. how could you? the amazingess of each second? so you have to know this, im telling you. its everything, its the air, its the time u were doin that thing, its that thing literally itself, its the communicationwith a soul, its the air air air, just air, the air is alive!!!!!!! the whole world like comes alive. 10-15-08 awoke

but im sure livin it.

omg i got it! I was just gonna say you only have one life so not gonna live funk(but THAT SENTENCE OMIT) Be the WHOLENESS (awokeness)im talking about all the time. But then I thought, since everything is happening at the same time, then there isnt anything but the WHOLENESS all the time. so you are here in body-you must enact this wholeness. be the wholness. and that is the only thing that is life that is you.....

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