these notes are from last nite and the morning.since awakening 10-15-08 all the day(this moment) is Love. basically some of this writing is me adding onto an event. i want to tell you that since awakening 10-15-08 all the day(moment) can be used and IS heaven. and i feel it and am it.
its just that we are the lite.
its so simple
to teach that you are truly perfect when you are awake. as is. just realize. and benefitial communication then u use.
what is so hard bout that? nothing!! then why dont we promote it. cuz clouds(junk that ppl think is real so they do it)
what choices deemed
i was just literally in apt. doing this random task IN ALIGNMENT in peace(it was a given cuz the peace is a given bt see i realized that i was aligned a abit, it was all very Just Happening Kinda On the Univers'es force) but then i felt the room air like moving(literally not the air) and it was working with me! like the roooom was worrrrking with meee!
and this is a great illustration of the universe. 10-15-08 awake.
A good time will be enacted, then caught by all.
Nothing else is real darn it. why cant ppl see it?THE WHOLE GREAT FEELING!!. you see it? thats enuf. you see it for everyone.see them as whole
At this point of typing i feel like i am Love inside.(and to add, you are Love) i feel this, i am truly awake and dancing.
The words will do justice to a point, when you awake you will be alive to the point where u are alive. (its really who you are)
oh ok so any time u groan (as i did at a moment) thats not ur highest self see!!!!!!!!!!!! its not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you should believe in ah! Love!! bliss RIGHT now, ah!!!! its like a Love feeling.
Love assists, we arent a one woman author.
well u are in charge. wel you are together-u and Love(us)-join (us). highest thought. be yourself!
learning device to bring you closer to finding out how you are going to express and be.
no guilt, guilt is ur lesser mind!!
always in a phrase that is love.
all(ways) speak this way. instead of junk
My body felt Love!! this is you!!! complete bliss!!!
all the time!! holy cow!holy cow!
awoken RIGHT NOW.
yet its so reasonable because i am worth this magnificance!!!!! its so normal.
You r-we have-ARE- the ability to bring it home. dont have to give up anything. YOU GET THE WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWAKENED! THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happiest feeling in the world, and you are this enacted? WELL YOU ARE GIVEN. ALREADY HAVE< ARE.
this(latch onto , awake, just see) all the time u r this! omg!
Love is the most important thing. meaning life is the most important thing. this is life really living
theres only one opp. for Love, Life and thats NOW.
theres only one Life
The feeling. Love give you ectasy feeling like Love gives you at times. this is always available. Love gives you the feeeling some sort(its Love in a form) it goes thru ur body. it engulfs you.
U R alive, rest assured.
since awakening
and so you feel(this is the only way to be (you)(happy) and so you are it every second of the day u feel it(the universe, love love love).
the extra point is, is that this is a given, so easy because it is really who you are. and it is so miraculous and its the only living.
im find, rest assured that you are that.
full awake and happy! vibrant, the me that is really me, its SO AWAKE!!!! since 10-15-08
So say you are angry(i got this at 2am when a lady was outside my neighbors apt yelling to get in and she wants her dog) so i like was sleeping but woke witha feeling inside of me. its like a full chest, thick enactment of upsetnss or something. well really its just funk thoughts accumulating and acting on funk. no basis of anything.
so after that i was estranged for a minute, then woke up! to reality. (and u all know im awake since 10-15-08
YES so you are not being ur true self-this is love, whole heart, ur 'soul.' enacts freedom. enacts yeah ur true wisdom, its great.
and you know that lady yelling and upset and didnt think she was living the funk at all!!! thats the craziness, theres a second some time where she could be like questioning why she was doing it(and awake to true self) seeing the real way.
shes like in a crazy zone. its like she thinks she is that way (yelling or whatever. that person yelling or whatever). and for a while thats like wat she ids with. crazy its a steady stream. but this isnt her true self. if she enacts her true 'soul' way of handling being is. then all would work out.
and thats ok she learns i guess. but see that she thinks she is this lady yelling.
this is huge because you thought you were that way, that stream concentrated was it. but its not working obviously! you feel its off some way.(u feel ugh) so realize that your true self(like now as im getting into this part -writing-i can feel my true self always there) gonna try and write it. gray soul. warm. you. living with all the gr8 qualities. usable, enacted. WELL JUST IS. and huge at that point. who you are. so imagine -right now think about being at peace, think about if you are like in a great state of mind where you feel in heaven...okay THATS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its not the fake like fake way(r.j.a. says fake in song 'pen and paper'). its not you! you id with it and that pt to think its you
using ur everything-using gray(true way) warmth, discussion, set and rational. (hey if you dont discuss, im not discussing is the only way i just stated it to give u a jist or some sort of an example) the true you is enacted al of this. and you seriously enact gr8 ways to form love where you are standing. think and use gray to use gray to BE. This is being. Im telling(all happening at once) you this is who you are. Its so intelligent-knows all and so warm(is all you) is all! yay you are this magnificance. holy cow! you are the magnificane of the universe! HOLY HOLY COW! ALL IS ONE ALL IS HAPPENIG NOW. so you are the universe! so great, could go on for hours about how fabulous ur true ness is. and Love gave me the words to describe. 2 am but its here a lil bit. since all is one, then ur true self IS the universale LOVE ,ITS LIFE that Ive been talking about since awakening 10-15-08. Its like (u r) form.
I want to point out now that this is truly what you are and this is truly living. we all are this, so awaken!
one little spec creates a mountain(huge swell, creates it) IT, IT ALL and all is all the Love. you ever thought possilbe created into the world and air to make ur day and everything it involves Love(seee, like alive, Love) IT FEELS Like itself. its like awoken. bubble letters(analogy from before).
(adding on as im typing this up. not even just bubble, see i am living this now, i am alive, one with all of the energy around me. so imagine being full. being full with all of the energy around you.)
its so beautiful.
So i am going to write about how at one point that nite i looked away to another object as i was doing something else. if i had just focused myself (in tune) to that event i would have been true. but i was looking outside(like the yell lady too). go back to this one.
i wrote circles here, because stuff works in circles
And to realize that everything is an extension (branch) everything leads to the YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Love (ALL THAT IS). its all one thing happening now. and this is all there is.
heart=life enacted in every form -is non stop-
applicable in which way? every event u do is a branch of this! oh how miraculous! all is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you stand there like you dont know.
like you dont think so
ive given it all to you. AS YOU. IS YOU>
ok so i am vouging for the yelling lady. i wonder how ppl can act not their true self? wellllllllllllllllllllllllll so when u r out of it, ur in a funk.
so tell them how miraculous they are. (you believe and be it)
nothing to be(this is a word) YOU ALL R. already are(rest all is this love!!!)
the universe is too. so ur so connected! rja too
yay! that brings a lot of joy!WELL THE ONLY MEANING IS JOY AND IT IS THE MEANING TO LIFE. you will see enacted that this is only life and its beautiful.
p.s. read my other blogs over and over again. this is from last nite and the morning. how great it is, it is a portion of the whole. i want to point out that i did split some of this writing up. i noticed something that was going on,wrote about it and as i kept writing i knew that i was getting so in line with the alignment that i would just keep writing about the bliss. and this is what life is, getting to the alignment and being able to be in and express it. its huge what it is, its all the love of the universe as your life!!
but my last blog about being so alive in body. thats what im talkin about.
the whole idea i am pointing out now, is that this is so reality. it isnt anything out of bounds in fact it is truly who you are.
im getting close to writing purely bliss bliss bliss, see i am taking examples and writing bliss about them. but see i already am the pure bliss.
one more piece here- being in total line, all the time, oh how magnificent
and it is always this way, is a given , is always this
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